Chapter 40

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I hate social gatherings. Terribly detest them. Largely because I don't know what to do or how to act. Lots of people mingling and having light conversation while letting their guard down was too much for my introverted personality to handle. Give me a formal business banquet and I could handle myself extremely well, hold meaningful conversations and just conduct myself like a pro without feeling awkward but small parties among family and friends held in the spirit of getting close to one and other was not something I could handle very well. I always drew blank when people asked about how my life was going and all that stuff. While it seemed effortless to many, discussing trivial matters and giving friendly advise, retelling incidents and sharing a laugh, all these things were not something ibwas adept at and so I largely stayed away from such events. But today, I had to do my wifey duties and accompany my husband to luncheon at a friends place.

The garden party hosted around 50-70 people, a lot more for a small gathering of friends as Nathan had promised me. I obviously didn't know anyone and was stuck feeling rather awkward as Nathan easily mixed around the familiar faces, with a ready smile and a smart quip. I for once envied his easy nature. I tried my best to mingle and socialise with those around me, but after a while I gave up and found a quiet corner in the garden among the rose beds where white roses bloomed.

Some time later, Nathan came to find me sitting all by myself.

"Why are you out here and not at the party with everyone?" He asked.

"Nathan, this is your friends party, I'm only here as your wife, my presence won't be missed."

"Huh, thats no reason not to enjoy yourself," he said sitting by my side.

"You're always by yourself," he noted. "Try talking to people, make some friends. Don't you tire of being alone all the time?"

"Its just the way I am," I told him.

"But still, everybody needs somebody," he pressed on

"Its not like I'm completely alone. I have my people whom I adore. Parties and the like aren't my scene. I am not someone who can easily made idle chat and mingle around with those I don't know. I'm comfortable by myself."

He stayed quiet for sometime.

"So thats how it is, huh," he said then and I just nodded.

"Nevermind, come I'll introduce you to my friends," he said standing up.

"I..don't think thats a good idea. Besides, what work do I have with them?"

"Oh come on," he said holding out his hand to me. "They've all been dying to meet my wifey. And they are all fun people, you'll like them."

I reluctantly accepted his outstretched arm and let him lead me back to the party and towards a temporarily pitched gazebo where I noticed a group of young people were merrily enjoying themselves like many others at the brunch. The gazebo was at the centre of the garden so it must be where the host was sitting.

As we walked closer, the features of the 3 men and 3 women there became more clearer. One of the guys was blonde with the bluest eyes I had ever seen that were noticeable even at a distance, the other two were both raven haired but while one had onyx eyes and a scar close to his left eye and a sombre, brooding presence, with long hair tied back, the other had storm grey eyes with two cute dimples, the result of the ever present dazzling smile on his face. On the other side, one woman had purple hair an dark eyeliner that gave off a gothic vibe, the other had shoulder length brown hair, wore glasses and had rather plain features that would easily blend in the crowd and not stand out. The last girl was seated besides Mr dimples and was really pretty. She had curvy red hair that was tied in a high ponytail and was really long and reached her hips.

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