Does Your Skin Feel Itchy?

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Okay, let's get a good vibe going.

*elevates accordingly*

Have you ever thought to look beyond dystopia? I mean what could be worse than hell on earth?

Well take your "cyberpunk" genre. That's often pretty dystopian. What if that went bad?

What if humanity evolved into an artificial version of itself? The plasticization of the planet. Total biomolecular contamination.

You don't think about it, none of you do. You make stupid shit all the time with nano materials and you never even think twice to dump them right into the garbage. But those artificially created particles never existed in nature, not in any form, not at any time in history... and you're dumping the shit all over the planet, every day, thousands of metric tons of it!

It's getting into everything... every form of life... due to the size, it even affects the microverse and before long artificial protein sequences pollute every inch of planet.

They affect the biology and the evolution of every living thing.

Pretty soon you will discover plastic life forms on the planet. They'll be made of synthetic materials woven into their natural biological ones.

Hybrid life... trash life... think about the seagulls at dumps... our garbage is being converted into them... continuously! We are creating artificial, antithetical biomes all over the planet that never existed before.

If it gets too out of hand it's always possible that you might simply "Ice Nine" all of terrestrial biology to the point of creating a total extinction event. That would be a mercy.

There are worse outcomes. Once you realize the contamination and realize it's irreversible... you go all in!

Humanity's so called "genetic emancipation".

You start to rewrite reality wholesale... on a molecular level. You create an alternate space within your present reality and in that space... you uh... well you see, you're effectively replacing reality itself with artificially engineered reality.

So they don't even live in the same environment that you exist in... they don't even breath air!

So it continues... they keep replacing what's marginally inconvenient in their society with made up molecular bullshit simply for the sake of desperate pleasure addicts... trying to endlessly satiate the insatiable.

And they just keep at it! Until they eventually start using biosynthetics as augments and replacements within their own bodies.

Cyberpunk truly comes to fruition, born from product pollution, it's every bit the nightmare you've already imagined it to be.

But things can get so much worse!

I mean "the science" says... hey, obviously our stuff is *SO* much better than the original, natural, "real" thing... so why not simply replace it!?

They start marketing in terms of describing old world material as "low resolution product", inculcating an idolization of synthetic perfection in the masses.

And it works! They sell LOTS of product! All kinds of biosynthetic replacements hit the market and, it's true... they do "work better" than the originals... in a sense.

Of course, the industry can only expand so far and before long innovation sours into equivocation... for the sake of satiating GREED!

So one enterprising evil asshat will invariably think... why can't we replace ALL of it!? AS MUCH AS WE CAN SELL!

EVERY BIT! birth.


Your species is mechanically recreated over and over and over and over... nine months of natural growth, that's all the humanity you're allowed to have in the future. Everyone, everything, every form of life is all just a plastic zombie, a faint artificial echo of what life once was.

Human life effectively quarantined to only nine months of functional biological existence before it's removed, the brain snapped out of the skull and replaced with machines that keep the rest of the biology going in place of a brain which is replaced with an imitation AI construct.

The biology of the human body is then only used as an effective living dead lattice work upon which nano-particle replacements can be slowly grafted in as a means of replacing naturally produced muscle fibers with synthetic replicas for a more "variegated peoples"... it's like "diversity" for artificial organisms... wearing the corpse of the dead species they evolved out of as a means of trying to look "more natural" in Plastic Land.

Mostly it's to prevent the robots from going insane, because they essentially lie to them and convince them that they're really human and not just... wearing a dead baby's skin kept artificially alive and slowly grown into their bodies.

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