a confession plan (appledash)

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Though Unlike hers applebloom and scootaloo's faces were expressionless, their jaws hung to the floor none of them knowing what to think, they still hadn't comprehended the news fully.

Applebloom was the first to find her voice "hold on just a darn minute...your-your sayin that...mah sister...has a crush on...rainbowdash?" Her voice was filled with astonishment, she still hadn't comprehended the news.

"And rainbowdash likes her back?" Scootaloo asked in the same desbelif.

"Yeah!....Or at least that's what rarity thinks..." Sweetiebell replied, her smile fainting a bit...now that she thought about it...was it really possible for applejack and rainbowdash to like each other, they hardly ever got along, the same question wandered in each of their minds but applebloom was the one to bring it forth

"But how in equestria did this happen?"

"and how come they never told us?" Scootaloo spoke next

"Sweetiebell are you sure rarity ain't makin all this up...ah mean that pony is big on gossips" applebloom asked as sweetiebell shrugged in response. If she knew her sister well, this could be something she could make up, the matter sure was hard to belive, but rarity sounded so certain when she wrote it in her diary...could it actually be that applejack and rainbow like each other...for real?

"Those two could be acting like this around her to prank her, you know how easy it is to make rarity ship any pair, and we all know applejack and rainbow could go crazy lenghts to prank somepony..." Scootaloo scratched her chin

"I don't think it is a prank...rarity sounded so sure when she wrote it...I should know I'm her sister after all" sweetiebell argued. A good 15 minutes passed after that...silence was the only sound that could be herd untill applebloom broke it.

"Ah think the only way to solve this here mystry is to ask our sisters, nopony knows about their feelin's better than themselves...come on crusaders" she called out to the others as the trio left the clubhouse in search of applejack and rainbowdash.


"Look there's rainbowdash" scootaloo pointed at a cloud on which was resting a canon colour Pegasus pony with a prismatic mane.

The fillies called out to her "Rainbowdash! hey rainbowdash!" Rainbowdash groaned as she looked down to see who bothered her in the middle of her nap. Three young fillies beamed up at her, she descended from the cloud skillfully landing next to them "hey scoots" rainbow winked at the megenda maned pony who blushed slightly.

"We wanna ask you some questions rainbowdash" sweetiebell said.

"Tell us, do you have a crush on somepony we know?" Applebloom asked eagerly leaning close to rainbows face. Rainbow backed up in shock, she wasn't expecting them to ask her that...

"Uhhh...now fillies...where would you get that thought from? I honestly have no idea what your talking about haha! I don't have a crush! No way, absolutely not, na-ah!" Rainbow shook her head

"We herd you like mah sister...is that true?" Applebloom asked

"YOUR S-SISTER....pfff don't be rediculous...why would I ever-" rainbow was cut off in the middle of her sentence by sweetiebell

"Yeah you can fool us...but what do you have to say about that blush on your face?" She brought her hoofs to rainbows cheeks which were burning uncontrollably. Rainbow backed up even more.

"Uhhhh look fillies, I'd like to stay but...uh...I forgot I had to see twilight with...something, gotta dash! Bye!" The next second a trail of rainbow disappeared behind a hill.

A Confession Plan (appledash)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz