Arc 2 Chapter 2 - Strategy

Start from the beginning

That was actually a useful suggestion from Hirata. It was likely that upper grades had also had dealings with similar situations, since this sort of plan wasn't overly complex to think of and execute, so getting advice would be helpful.

"Way to go, Hirata-kun, great idea! I can also ask some of my senpai's about this, they might know something too."

"Kushida. Ask the rest of the grade for help. Class B especially."

"Wait, why do you say that Ayanokouji-kun?" Kushida gave a very cute tilt of her head.

"It's likely our class isn't the only one to be targeted. It would make more sense for Ryuuen to go after all three other classes. They may have some experience dealing with him."

"But why Class B?" Sudou didn't seem to understand why them specifically.

"If you had to pick one class who would be kind and helpful, which one would you name." He seemed to understand after that.

"Wait, wait Ayanokouji-kun. Are we sure this is Ryuuen's work? I don't want to arbitrarily target someone without first being sure it was him. It could just as likely have been a plot by the three boys by themselves."

It was fair for Hirata to think this way, trying to avoid blaming an innocent, since we had no evidence, yet that Ryuuen was involved, but I was confident only he in Class C would think and execute such a plan.

"No, I'm almost certain it's him. None of those three, from what I've heard at least, would be smart or bold enough to execute such a plot. This is definitely Ryuuen's work."

"Fair enough. For now, at least, I can work under the assumption that it's his plan behind the scenes."

"Yeah! With all of us working together, we're definitely gonna prove I'm innocent! Ayanokouji, you're the best!"

A very enthusiastic Sudou gave me a rough punch in the shoulder. It ached a little, but it wasn't hard or done maliciously so I let it go.

"Calm down Sudou, we don't have any evidence yet."

"Wait what about the GPS system!"


"Hirata. Explain."

"Didn't you know this Ayanokouji-kun? Everyone who has the contact of another person can see their location on a map."

Pulling out his phone, he showed me said system. Countless dots littered the school grounds and cafeteria, showing the location of everyone he had the contact of.

"Wait that's a thing?!"

It seemed Kushida also hadn't realised that existed.

"Neither of you knew? Well, I assume the school tracks this, so maybe we could see where everyone was during the time of the incident, see if anyone was nearby or acting suspicious."

It was a good plan, but that would never happen. Despite claiming points can buy anything, the location of every student on campus over a few days was not something they would legally be able to share with just anyone. I was surprised that was a feature in the first place.

"You can turn it off, but I suspect the school still records everything, it's just other students can't see you for privacy."

Why wasn't it off by default?

"It won't work. The school wouldn't give out that information, I suspect, so you can ask, but work under the assumption we don't have it available."

I also didn't want anyone figuring out that Sakura had been nearby as a witness, until I could figure out how to use the information.

"Oh. I'll still try, but that's a good point Ayanokouji. Hmm, so what can we do?"

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