Scandals Part III

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"Sir, I would very much like to cut this short--is everything on the will addressed to 'Lord Charles Billingsly'?" Anthony asked, starting to stand off of his chair besides the couch.

The Clergy and Judge quickly took a look and nodded. "Yes." The Judge said suspiciously. Anthony lightly grabbed Ester's arm, thankful that they already packed and sent her out the door.

"Where are you taking me?" Ester said, rather sorrowfully.

"Home, back to London." Ester stopped in her shoes. "We can't go back now, my family...we are in mourning!" Anthony rolled his eyes and grabbed her once more towards the carriage.

"Anthony, stop! I do not wish to return to London right now." Anthony tried to be nice but after the joke of a will and the way Ester was behaving here, he had his fill of Fort William.

"No, Ester. We are going home, that is final." Ester was about to argue but she realized she had no power. She is married now. A woman well understood that once you sign the legal binding documents nothing you said was important. Ester touched her stomach once again, praying for her child.

Ester wouldn't lie to herself she was not healthy. She had lost significant weight and she was extremely burdened over her parents passing so suddenly. She didn't get to say goodbye to either of her parents before they were taken from this world. That did a number on her.

Ester was also suspicious about her parents' passing. She hated to admit it but the timing of both was rather...scripted. She felt like she was some sort of actress where the villain in the opera was just watching her flail around waiting, hoping for Ester to crumble.

Mariana and Charles were the only people around when her father passed, her mother asleep. Mariana was the only person there when her mother had "tripped" into the streets. So, while Ester appeared to be mourning (which she was) she sent out a few inquiries to the Constable to further investigate. Explaining the situation.

She would have to write to the Fort William Constable once more explaining it was odd that Charles and Mariana were given everything. By everything, Ester glanced at Will and they even received clothes. Her mother and father's clothes. One's that would NEVER fit those two rotund humans. She hated to be hateful towards her sister but her father always told her 'if something is telling you to be concerned, then be concerned.'

So, when Anthony was adamant to head home, she at first was not happy with the idea but now....maybe being away from Mariana was a good thing.


Without the need of urgency Anthony and Ester had on the way up to Fort William, they had decided to spend one extra night in an inn. Ester was thankful for knowing her child needed rest and some normalcy as Ester had not been the best 'oven to cook in'.

They still had some time before they reached the inn and Ester decided to crack into some more of the letters her family had sent her. Her family...that had a nice ring to it now. They were all she had left beside her sister and brother in law now.

Daphne had sent her a letter a day after they left. Daphne at first was furious for Ester not telling her about the pregnancy but each letter after another Daphne slowly warmed up to the idea and was very thrilled for her friend. Telling her to tell Anthony sooner than later.

Eloise sent her letters on how she predicted that was why Ester had her look into illnesses prior, Violet checking in on her general health and providing tips. Benedict sent her a letter, with a letter from Colin in the same letter congratulating her.

She even got a letter from Francesca who had apparently arrived home. Her newest letter was from Daphne again.


Things at home have been crazy, as usual. With moving to Hastings House I find myself to be a bit of a snoop. I discovered after recent news of your pregnancy and a LONG talk with Mama, that I needed to understand Simon more. So I've been snooping around his old family home in search of who he was, is.

So with that, do you two have any stories when you were little, anything about him that would help me learn to love and understand the man I am indebted too?

How is my little niece or nephew doing? In your last letter you seemed to be rather distraught over your parents--which is understandable-- and I am rather worried for you. Mama is as well. Stress is not good for the newest addition to the family!

Does Anthony know yet? How is he faring? When he last wrote Mama he seemed to be rather uptight claiming nonsense about all sorts of things. Then again, we both know my brother has a flair for the dramatics.

Please keep us updated and yourself in good health.



Ester smiled and tightly held the letter to her chest. Anthony had fallen asleep some time around an hour ago and it was rather nice not having to force conversation or pretend that she was fine with everything going on.

She also felt extremely awkward since she had yet to tell the father of the child before she told everyone else. Even Mariana knew for goodness sake.

"WHOA!" Ester heard the coachman call out, stopping the horses at the inn. Shaking Anthony awake he quickly jumped and became aware of his surroundings with rather wild looking eyes.

"Have we arrived?" Ester nodded. Anthony straightened his jackets and put on his top hat, opening the door for Ester.

Immediately stepping off the carriage--Ester spoiled another beautiful garden patch with the insides of her stomach. Pregnancy really was horrible.

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