The doors opened

It wasn't as bad as I thought, not many noticed....I did however notice a few who did.

Their laughter went silent as faint whispers followed.

We finally made it to our seats and sat down.

"Whothisishatrry?" Ron tried speaking through the food In his mouth.

"Ronald stop talking with your mouth full. No one can understand you" hermione spat

He held up his finger and finished chewing before continuing.

"Who is this?" He burped

"This is Estella...the girl I was telling you about" Harry took a drink from his cup.

"Oh I think we have Potions together" Ron thought

"Yeah...I sit behind you" I nodded

"I thought I knew you from somewhere"

Another conversation sparked between them as I looked over to the Slytherin table.

Everyone seemed to brush it off...but one.

Draco sat glaring at us...I wondered how long he had been watching.

I just held eye contact with him...

His eyes shifted as he nodded subtly. As if this was a challenge. Two can play at this game, maybe? That's the thing about Draco...he's not worried or effected because he knows just how to get under someone's skin.

I walked back to my room to grab a few more things before class.

"So that's how you want to do this?"

I turned around, Draco stood with his hands tucked in his pockets...leaned against my door frame


"He's lucky number three?"

"They just asked me to eat with them" I ignored him, grabbing some notebooks and putting them in my bag.

"I'm not stupid so don't act like I am...I know you're shagging Potter"

"It's none of your business if I am or not" I shoved passed

"Do you have any idea what you've gotten yourself into?" he walked in

"Stop acting like you own me"

"I'm just looking out for you" he spat

"Well stop...I don't need your help anymore Draco"

He glanced to the floor and nodded

"I guess I'll see you around then" he walked out, slamming the door behind him.


"Hey El!" Hermione shouted down the hall

"So Harry wanted me to let you know we're having a party tonight...if you'd want to join us?" She asked


What the hell...I have nothing better to do.

"Yeah, that would be fun"

"Brilliant, I'll se you tonight" she smiled and walked on


I walked to my room to grab some clothes for the party.

"Look who it is" Pansy stood from the couch of the common room

I continued waking.

"You could at least acknowledge us" another voice followed, sounding like Emerson

"I have nothing to say" I stopped on the stairs

"You have plenty to say to Potter yeah?" Milo scoffed

"What? I can't hang out with anyone but you guys now?"

"I'm not sure what's going on with you here recently, but we're not your enemy El" River sneered

"It's nothing...I've just been busy"

"Hang with us, we're sitting around to have a few drinks and maybe a hit a few blunts for the evening" Pansy mentioned

"I would...but I have plans"

"Can I guess who?" Milo took a drink from his bottle

"It's not like that...they just asked me. Maybe tomorrow night?"

Everyone went silent.

"Yeah that's fine" Pansy sighed

"I'll see you guys around, yeah?" I walked up the stairs to get dressed

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