She stripped it off and pulled on a tank-top and sweatpants. Alfred knocked on the door. "Miss? It's almost time to go."

"I'll be out in a sec!" Marinette replied. She ran to her sewing machine and put the dress on the table. Pulling out her sketchbook, she flipped to the design she had been working on. Of course, she'd need to change quite a bit, but she could work with that.

Pulling her polka dot Ladybug fabric out of her bag, she started cutting and sewing. Her fingers worked so fast she thought they might fall off.

Finishing the rest of the dress, she flew into the bathroom, threw her dress on, and fixed her hair and makeup.


"Damian, if we don't leave now we'll be late."

"Just give her a minute or two more."

"Stop messing with your tie."

"I'm not."

"Yes, you are."


What came gliding down the hallway was something so beautiful it made Damian stop. Her dress was a mix of pink and ladybug patterns, with the pink and polka dots overlapping. The sleeves were about 1 or two inches thick, and the skirt of the dress went down to just above her ankles. She wore a light layer of makeup and had her hair up in a bun.

"Wow..." Damian whispered. Marinette stood in the hallways, confused and alarmed by his face. "Well?" She asked expectantly. "I think it looks amazing." He replied.

Obviously trying to conceal it but failing, Marinette blushed. Damian held out his arm to her and Bruce let out a sigh of relief. They went into the car and drove to the party.


When Marinette stepped out of the car, she never thought she would be so amazed that it would make frozen.

The place looked like a complete palace.

There was a terrace outside, at least 4 balconies, 2 front doors, and house that opened on both sides.

Damian held out his arm and she grabbed it.

They all walked inside and luckily the party hadn't started yet. As soon as they walked in, chatter began and welcomes, thank yous, and handshakes were exchanged.

Marinette felt a little uncomfortable, and fortunately, Damian noticed. She was glad she had his arm to hold onto. She feared she was going to fall.

"Let's go over to the food table," Damian said in a low voice. Marinette nodded. "Ok," she replied.

They made their way over to the table and got some fruit punch, since the other drink was wine and they weren't old enough to drink that.

"Are you ok? You seem...nervous almost."

Marinette sighed. Should she tell him? Did she trust him? Of course she did, so she knew that she could confide in him.

"I um...I have claustrophobia."

"But, you lived in an orphanage with a whole bunch of girls."

"Yes, but that didn't help much. I've always been claustrophobic, I just try to hide it as best as I can. Plus, I lived at the orphanage almost my whole life, so I adapted."

Damian looked around. "Then let's go somewhere where there aren't a lot of people." Marinette looked into Damian's eyes and let him lead her somewhere. Somewhere outside.

What they didn't know, was that there were two girls watching them with complete resent and hatred.

Damian led Marinette out into a big garden that seemed almost hidden, filled with flowers and bushed and trees with cherry blossoms.

"This...this is incredible!" She exclaimed. "How do you know about this place?"

"We've been friends with this couple for a long time, I know basically every secret passage here. Since they didn't have any kids my age, I spent most of my time exploring."

They walked in silence for a bit until Damian spoke up. "So I hear you're quite the designer."

"Oh really?"


"Well then, you heard right."

"Is that so?"

"Of course. I did alter this dress."


"Mhmm." Marinette giggled.

They made small talk for a little while longer. Talking about their favorite foods, animals, desserts, books, flowers, and even their greatest fears. Damian's was birds, especially robins. Which Marinette laughed at.

Damian pushed her into one of the flower beds and she pulled him down with her. They collapsed, laughing. Damian and Marinette rolled over onto their sides and faced each other. Suddenly, Damian started making his move. Slowly, he leaned in. But they were cut off by two girls looming over them.

"Well, well. If it isn't the wannabe-designer orphan girl." Came the sneering voice of Chloe Bourgois, one of the mayor's daughters. Marinette recognized the girls instantly.

"Well, well. If it isn't the spoiled mayor's daughters." Marinette spat at them icily.

Chloe and Lila glared at her and pulled Damian out of the bed, leaving Marinette lying on the ground.

"Come on Damian, come dance with people who actually have some dignity. You are only FAKE dating after all," Lila said, emphasizing the word fake.

How did they find out? Marinette wondered.

"Um, ok." The girls whisked Damian away. When Marinette finally decided to get out of the flower bed, she walked to a window to see Damian, Chloe, and Lila dancing. Damian looked happy though. Maybe he was glad to get away from her. Maybe she was just a burden and he didn't actually like her. Maybe...maybe that kiss was only for an audience and not for her.

She kicked off her heels and walked away from the mansion. Of course, he was in love with the more sophisticated girls. Not her. He only cared about his reputation. The thought made her mad and she sprinted to the Wayne's mansion, though she didn't know why she would even go there.

The Orphan And The Hero (A Daminette Fanfic AU)Where stories live. Discover now