"Because your blind. Even a child would see what sukuna is doing. Ever played a staring contest?" Alpha laughs, waving his hand over his eye, and grinning. "Its usally normal to feel a sense of uncomfortable behaviour when staring at someone. Or you feel nothing, a sense of power depending upon the person. Sukunas merely using the same." Alpha mutters, turning around and sitting in his chair. Daniel blinks in even more confusion.

"He has a blindfold? I know there's a massive decrease in that working if you can't see someone's eyes?" Daniel suggests, as alpha laughs again, leaning his arm against the back of the chair, looking up at Daniel's confusion. Ryu wanders over, causing Daniel to stop for a second, grabbing his shirt as he felt his heart skip a beat in fear at her merely walking over. Jeez, I can see why people die so quick around these lot. Learn to actually warn people you are walking around next time? Daniel mentally yells, stepping aside as alpha scribbles something down before shoving the note into his pocket.

"That's the interesting part. Why? Why would he need to wear one?" Ryu asks, watching Daniel. She knows he can't answer, but doesn't say anything. In doing so, she turns back to sukuna and sakura. "He hasn't got any disease or injury of his eyes, nothing that would cause him to have to wear it. Maybe it's a fashion statement." Ryu explains as alpha keeps an eye on Daniel. Either way, your actions although pathetic to other newbies, are just as interesting as sukunas secrets. Ryu wonders, knowing that she and alpha have set up a experiment with Daniel being the test subject.

"Well the files state a attack from a redacted accident. When he was around 7." Daniel points out as ryu shakes her head, making him pause.

"That never happened, sakura and their sister made it up for the sake of their name." Alpha retorts, leaving Daniel not shocked but more curious. Then again why would files be right? This is how they work afterall. I really am stupid sometimes. Daniel mentally sighs, whilst ryu snickers.

"Always reading their files, no wonder your that stupid. But, there is a reason to why he hides his eyes, and it'll probbaly be the death of you if you found out." Ryu shrugs, "So maybe, find more information about your boss, than my family line." She adds, walking abruptly to her bed, sitting down watching Daniel's curiosity become fear.

He pauses, knowing she meant a Threat behind that, so decides to not asked how she knows about it. Nevertheless, he looks back at sukuna and sakura, who stay as is. Maybe she knows what his eyes look like, afterall, if their notorious to be hidden, then his family would have seen them before someone gave him the blindfold. Daniel ponders, walking over to his side, making sure he doesn't even acknowledge sukuna and sakura. If their dangerous, the sakura would have remembered a mental image of it. He adds, before having to jump back at sakura getting pushed back letting sukuna wander to his bed, decidingto just stay alone.

Sakura gets up, brushing herself down, and walking away, although daniel spots the sweat dripping down her face, so she's probbaly terrified, even if she remains stone faced, don't blame her. Daniel adds to his mental notes, as alpha and ryu mutters to each other. "When's delta coming back?" Sakura asks, glancing at the rest of the group, as if nothing ever happened.

"Doesn't concern you." Sukuna snaps back, as the rest stay in a sense of awkward discomfort. Sakura looks at sukuna with disgust, standing up, as her patience wears thinner by the second. Sukuna doesn't move however, although sakura stand in front of him, leaning down to stay on the same level.

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