Learning about the gender

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It's been about 14 weeks since Lucius and I learned that I was Pregnant and so today we are doing an ultra sound to see the gender of our child. I woke up to the sun shining and I looked down unto my stomach and smiled. I went to my closet and put on my outfit of the day then went downstairs to see Lucius talking to Goyle's son. Then Lucius saw me and smiled and I went over and said, "Are you excited to see the gender today?" He nodded and gave me a kiss and told me to go to the kitchen and ask the elves to make me some breakfast. I went to the kitchen and asked for some pancakes and Bacon. I ate that and finished my tea when Lucius came in and said, "It's about time we head to St. Mungos." I nodded and went to grab my shoes and my purse and Lucius came beside me and we got into the car and headed to St. Mungos. When we got their we sign in and I looked to my right and saw Bellatrix and I was surprised to see her so I nudged Lucius and pointed and gave me a look when he saw her and we went over to her. "Bella?" She looked up and she had been crying and bent down to her level and asked what was wrong. "Rodolphus and I had a fight and he punched me in the stomach and I have to check to see if they are okay." I nodded and sat beside her and waited till one of us got called. About a few hours later Bella and I both got called and I told her that the kids will be alright she nodded and we went our separate ways. We were waiting for the doctor when a gentleman came in and said, "Mr. and Mrs. Malfoy?" We nodded and then the gentleman smiled and said, "My name is Dr. Heartland and I am here to do the ultra sound for Malfoy Jr in there." I smiled and pulled my shirt up where he could see my stomach and he put this gel on and told me it would be a tiny bit cold. When he put this gadget on my stomach we saw a baby and we smiled and then we saw another form and we looked at each other and the Doctor said, "It looks like you have twins Mrs. Malfoy and your genders are a boy and a girl." I smiled and looked at Lucius and he laughed in happiness and hugged me and said, "Were having twins! We are the 1st Malfoy's to have twins." He cheered and we got out of the office and saw Bella smiling and I went to her and said, "How did everything go?" She was smiling bright and said "They are very healthy and I am glad that my children have god parents." I smiled and hugged her then we went home and started to discuss names. "I want to keep gong with the constellation names and I want our song to have my 1st as his middle." I nodded then I remember a story that my parents told me about and I told Lucius, "When I was younger my mother and father told Sirius and I a tell of Lady Lyra and the Dragon. Isn't Draco Italian for Dragon?" He went to the Italian dictionary and looked it up and looked at me and nodded. I smiled and said, "Well I think Draco Lucius Malfoy will be our sons name." Then he looked at me and said, "What about our daughter?" I thought for a second when I realized that I've had a name that I wanted to name my kid since I was a 3rd year. "I want to name our daughter Lyra Irene Malfoy." He looked at me and said, "Why Irene?" Then I went to find a book called The Tall Tells of Irene Softine. I gave it to him and he looked at me and smiled and said, "Draco Lucius Malfoy and Lyra Irene Malfoy our children." I smiled and we hugged each other then I lettered my parents and Cousins saying that we need to start planning a baby shower for me and Bellatrix.

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