When I finally had it wide enough to see through to where Josh was sitting my heart melted. He was sitting down in front of the mirror, hunched over the dressing table fixing his hair. I held my hand over my mouth as he flicked his quiff to the side a bit and winked in the mirror.

I knew it would've happened, that not one of us would last too long holding back the laughter so as soon as Lucy let her snort drop out, I burst into fits, the camera shaking in my hands.

Josh had jumped off his chair, spinning to face us, cheeks as red as anything. I was laughing so hard I could barely say hi, barely, but managed.

"Well hello bieber" I giggled, before engulfing him into a tight hug, some to be joined by the rest of the girls, doomed to be knocked over by the rest of the boys, resulting in the eleven of us rolling on the floor laughing (minus josh, he was just squashed on the floor with a tomato face)

"If you put that up anywhere I swear!" He muttered, but his smile still cracked through the grimace as I pulled myself up off him while reaching for my phone. But Brendan's hand reached it first grabbing it away from my reach and fingers flying straight for the unfortunately unlocked screen.

"Too late!" He laughed, concentrating on keeping it out of my reach while preparing the video for their vine account.

Josh jumped up onto his feet now on a mission to grab the phone away from him before He could post it but it was for real too late.

The vine was up and josh was mortified and I.. well I was pissing myself.


I played the 'I'm so hurt' face as Brendan yet again slapped my hand away from his chicken mcnuggets. Yes I know what your thinking why are these two high class bands eating in macdonalds and the answer is because it tastes frickin good. And we were hungry.

My fries were long gone, what with me thinking it's be great to start dieting cos it would be 'easy' and make me skinny, it was joke to even think I could live without macdonalds and you can't exactly order a salad in this place so I has settle for chips and only chips.

Biggest mistake.

But what can you do when the only person with food left refuses to share and will resort to violence to protect his haul.

I heard Lucy's phone buzz as I finally gave up on Brendan's food. And I also saw her face fall. And her biting her lip before turning to me.

"Dani I'm so sorry, mums just texted me now, but were going down to visit my granny" she said "for all of the rest if Christmas"

My heart sank, it wasn't that I was bad at Lucy, it's not their fault, it was just the fact that I'd have to spend Christmas alone in my apartment now, because no way was I going home.

I forced a smile. "it's alright, I'm sure you gran needs you more than me

Everyone else watched completely confused as to what happened, so I decided that we'd had enough. "so what now?" I said quietly.

"My dad's coming to pick me up in an hour"

"And my trains leaving in half"

There were a couple more explanations as to where and when people had to be in places to get home for Christmas, and it didn't exactly put me in a much better mood.

Strange how I was so happy barely ten minutes ago.


"Just you and me then?" Josh asked, as we waved once more to Dayl and Brendan's receding train.

I turned "looks like it" I said, forcing a small smile.

"You know." He started to say, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. "If you don't have a place for Christmas, you could always come home to us?"

I sucked in a breath, and looked down at the floor.

"I don't know josh, I mean it's your family and I wouldn't want to-"

"But I do want you to" he interrupted me, and out if nowhere reached out to hold my arm, forcing me to spin round and face him.

"Look Dani, ever since the day I found out you left, and everyday up until I saw you in that studio again, I missed you like fucking hell. I missed having my best friend, my side kick, my partner in crime.
All because I messed up and I've told you I'm so so sorry."

I bit my lip, but it felt like my insides were warming up a bit.

"And every time I think about it it naked me feel worse. Please Dani, all I want is for things to go back to the way they were, when I still had you."

"You have me now" I whispered.

"You know it's not the same.

Please please, just give me another chance and I promise I will never hurt you ever again"

My breath hitched in my throat.

"Promises are pretty hard to keep Josh" I said quietly.

"Fine, I don't promise.. I swear on us"

I looked up again back into those blue eyes that I had missed so much, but now they were swimming in tears, threatening to spill.

"Please come home with me for Christmas, and just try be us again?"

My heart was racing and I don't know what took over but next thing I knew I was wrapped up in his arms, my own around his neck and murmuring into his shoulder.

"I missed you too. So so much"

His breath was heavy against my chest, and I could feel his heart beat, hammering.

"And yes I'll come to your for Christmas" I smiled.

"And we can be us again"


Heyyyyyy ahhhhhhh I'm so sosososososo excited for Friday!!!!!! And tomorrow OMG we all know who's recording expose!! Meeeeee!

Tow days til the signing and just eleven until the concert ahhhh life is good af. Also the poster thing at the start is my newest wall addition made by the one and only me cos there is no other me and I also changed my user, it's cause no accounts seemed to be real names so I was like hmmm someone might stalk me 😂😂 anyway yep that's my update

So hope you enjoyed this chapter cause I did!! There was so much jani!!!!! 😍😂 I think I updated at record speed today but it's cause I've been sick off school the last two, so I spent the time that I was not bent over the toilet bowl writing so here you go, this is my sick and sad inspired chapter 💕

Josh Gray, Josh GrayWhere stories live. Discover now