Part 12

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You and Law spend the night at a hotel in town, sharing a room together while the other crew members said they’re going to stay in the submarine. Law was currently out to buy some new books, you stayed back and rest. A loud sound from outside wake you up from your daze, you sat up and walked to window to see what was going on. You looked down and saw Law, surrounded by a bunch of girls. A sudden hit of jealousy hitted you but you quickly dispersed it out of the way. Angrily, you stomped down to the front of the hotel. You stopped in front of door with your arm crossed in front of you, glaring at what in front of you. Law finally saw you with an angry look in your face, then said to the ladies around him “I have a girlfriend, so excuse me.” There was shifted in the girls but one girl replied back to him “I don’t see her anywhere, are you lying to us?” You swallowed the anger and yelled “let him be, you heard him.” All of the girls turned around and stare at you with eyes full of hatred. “Where did you come from, trying to steal the guy aren’t you?” a girl said while pointing at your face. You smiled at her and said “why should I steal him when he’s already mine? And watch your mouth, I’m not someone you should piss off.” There was a little hesitation and fear in those eyes in front of you, it was quite entertaining to watch. “She’s right, pissing her off come with heavy consequences.” Law said. The girls averted their attention to Law and some went over and snatched his arm, “Law-sama, but we love you.” You were beyond pissed off now, you just want to get over there and kill all of them. But before you do, someone grabbed your hand before you could even move. You turned around and see someone wearing a brown robe, covering their face and body. 

Law pushed away the group of girls and walked over to you. The robe man then revealed his face, he has blond hair and crystal blue eyes. There was an awkward moment of silence when Law came over while glaring at the guy. The group of girls squealed “it another hot guy! Kyaah~” The blond guy ignored the group of girls and smile at you, his blue crystal eyes stare into you. He pulled your hand up to his lip and kissed it, the touch of his lip sended you a slight shiver of disgust. “A beautiful flower that bloom in the sunlight. You my lady, are perhaps the most beautiful woman I ever saw.” The guy reminded you of “Black Leg Sanji”, but he isn’t. Law snatched your hand away and glared at the guy mercilessly. You stare at the both of them as they viciously glare at each other. “Who are you, bastard?” Law asked. The blonde turned his head to you and smirked “my name is Akihiro, nice to meet you.” You shifted a little bit until Akihiro walked over to you and snatched your hand again, “no need to introduce yourself, I already know who you are. Nice to meet you, Titania.” Akihiro finished his sentence and smashed his lip into yours, making you surprised. You tried to push away but his hand was on your hand, securing you tightly. You used your demon strength to pulled your hand away, but something is keeping your demon magic suppress, making it impossible for you to use it. Law rushed over and sheathing his sword, raising it up as he get closer. Law sliced but then flied back, slamming into cement wall of someone house, making it crack. 

Law stood up, blood was bleeding down onto Law’s cheek. Akihiro broke the kiss and put his arm around your waist, holding you tightly onto himself. “It was nice meeting you Trafalgar Law, I’ll be taking your love.” Akihiro finished his sentence and disappeared with you. The last thing you saw in Law’s face was a fear and horror, as everything went black.

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