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One decision will change your entire life

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One decision will change your entire life.

Decisions and changes both are difficult to take and adapt but still, they are significant in everyone's life.

One right decision can put everything in order and one wrong decision can destroy everything. Life changes if the decision is right or wrong and we should always be ready to adapt to these changes.

Because we make decisions to bring changes in our life.

3 days before after one long conversation with Zar and Myra, I decided to shift to Delhi. It was easy to make this decision after they said they are willing to come with me. I am a little nervous to face these changes.

The reason why I'm alive is changed already, I need to be alive for my kids, husband, mother, in-laws, and friends. I don't want my kids to go through the phase where I'm not with them again.

I just wish that as it has been easy to take this decision it will be easy to adapt to these changes.

Going back to Delhi makes me nervous, I don't know what to say to whom. To them, I am known, to me they are unknown. I have met Bebe and Mom once and talked on the phone a few times but it doesn't lessen my nervousness.

It was easy to mingle up with DD and Alia because they are friendly and welcoming. I think there is a bit of awkwardness between me and Alia which I vow to erase when I go there.

As much as I have heard about everyone from Neil each of them is friendly and I know that is the reason I was friends with them because it's nearly impossible for me to make friends with an unfriendly person.

Sara, Foziah, and Asad.

I have seen them in photos and I just know their names. I don't know how I will react when I meet them and I am a bit nervous to see what their reaction will be.

There is a part of me that is aware there are two persons out there in Delhi who needed me years ago. I wonder if they died or something. I wish, they are dead and at the same time, I wish they are not dead.

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