Chapter 1 The Fall and Rise of Rome

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3rd POV

In 395 AD of lands of the Western Roman Empire. The people of Rome were doing their daily life until a gate appears. Roman like invaders attacking the people seeing creatures and monsters. Mass panic were in the Western Rome began to fall apart as bandits decided to attack the Western Rome. The Western Rome falls but to the East, The legacy of Rome will not die.

Meanwhile in the lands of Eastern Rome

The Eastern council of Rome were having so much arguments that Augustus Y/n doing his thing but looking down on his throne. He was getting tired as he was bored of doing nothing. He closes his eyes as he then had visions. The first vision he has was a blond girl who he sees her ears were pointy. Y/n thinks she maybe a goddess. The next was a blue hair girl who believes to be a goddess who uses magic and maybe wisdom. The last was a black clothing girl who wields a giant axe. Y/n believes she maybe the goddess of war and death. Y/n wakes up only to see many senators who were desperate about the western Rome's falls.

Hours later

All of the Eastern Roman Senators even Y/n himself discuss about the fall of Western Rome by the invaders who looked like them. Y/n was tired to see senators, counsels, and praetors arguing each other since the fall of Rome was not by the Barbarians but the mockery Barbarians who has their same tactics and worst their culture. Another worst thing they saw was monsters and demons who joined them. Y/n stops them as he had an idea to retake Rome from the fakers. He decided to release part of Egypt and part of the Middle East expect for Anatolia. This shows the Barbarians from the Far East to be more busy because he knows they would fight each other rather ran fighting the eastern empire. Y/n later organized a better army and move their armies in the seas and land.

 Y/n later organized a better army and move their armies in the seas and land

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Red- The Romans

Purple- Saderan Empire


The Saderan Empire has occupied the western Roman Empire as they believe it was their right. It was then the eastern Roman army launches a surprise attack while Barbarians of the north attack the Saderan Empire. The attack of the Saderan Empire made the Eastern Rome more deadly and even more towards their capital of Rome. Fighting takes place in the lower lands of Rome and the east lands that is use to be Rome. The battle rages on as the Romans had an advantage due from Barbarians from the south attacked the fake Empire.

Months later

Y/n and his generals were at the homeland of Rome. Y/n and his generals believes they are almost home but the defenders of the fake empire are still standing. The causalities between the two empires were high. Barbarian attacks were worst for the Saderan Empire as they raided their supply lands and killed many patrols. Emperor Y/n was at the line of command as he sees Rome. Y/n and his generals sees the map of how the they are surrounded by their empire.

 Y/n and his generals sees the map of how the they are surrounded by their empire

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