Distracted (Natasha)

Start from the beginning

You smiled to yourself quickly before deciding to give your book another shot.

You had made it another good  5 minutes into your book without any distractions, but just as a fight broke out between the main character and the murderer, your attention was dragged away once again.

Natash sat back and gathered her hair together in her hands before letting it drop onto her back, pulling it away from her face.

Just the little glimpse of her auburn hair was enough to gather your full attention.

You were in a battle with yourself. Continue your book, which happened to be at the best part, or literally just stare at your girl. You had already made up your mind, you just didn't know it yet.

Determined to at least finish your chapter, you pried your eyes off of your girlfriend and forced them to read the words. The only thing was that it didn't feel the same. You weren't stuck in the story because it's not where you really wanted to be.

It was no use. You tried and you tried, but you just ended up re-reading the same paragraph over and over again until you found any sort of meaning to it. It was torturous.

Every move Natasha made, you could see her hair fall perfectly around her shoulders framing her face, in your peripheral vision. But still you forced your eyes to remain focused on the page.

Even though your eyes were looking at the page, you somehow managed to concentrate on her in the background.

Finally Natasha became fed up with her hair not doing what she wanted it to. You watched as she pulled it back forcefully and collected it in both of her hands tightly, before using one of the hair ties around her wrist to secure it to the back of her head in a messy bun.

That only grasped your attention more.

She looked perfect right there, and she wasn't even trying to. You were helplessly in love with her to the point where the only thing you were physically able to do was watch her and smile dopily like an idiot.

After you finished daydreaming, you took a deep breath. You figured that if her hair were up in a bun now, it wouldn't be able to distract you anymore right? So you returned to your book again.

Somehow you had managed to fall back into the rhythm of the story and pulled yourself into the action. Unfortunately for you, as soon as you had found your focus again, you lost it... AGAIN.

Natasha, tired of her hair style and willing to give it another chance, used her right hand and looped her finger in between the elastic in her hair before pulling it out slowly, returning her hair to its original state.

This was what, like the fourth time this happened, but you couldn't be mad.

You lifted your head and stared before defeatedly closing your book and stretching your legs. You stood up and slowly walked over behind Natasha's chair.

You gently took her head in your hands from behind, and planted a firm kiss on the top of her head which broke her out of her trance.

Your hands found themselves sliding down the sides of her head and fell onto her shoulders gently massaging them.

With you still standing behind her, she lifted her head up to meet her eyes with hers. As soon as you locked eyes, she took a deep breath allowing herself to relax further into your touch.

"Are you done reading?" Her voice broke the comfortable silence that had filled the room.

"For now. I can't think straight with you sitting across from me constantly adjusting your luscious locks." You said adding a British accent and an array of funny faces to the last part.

She giggled, "Hmm, well then it's a good thing you're not straight" She said with a smirk, while squinting her eyes.

"Haha." You said sarcastically. Your hands found their way back up the sides of her head, holding her cheeks. You pulled her head back further, just enough to land a long passionate kiss on her lips, spidey style.

You pulled away slowly and loosened your grip on her cheeks to allow her room to resume her work.

She watched you walk away in awe and utter disbelief that you expected her to just continue working after that.

"Ohh come on, I can't just go back to work after a kiss like that!"

You turned so you were facing her, walking backwards. An excited innocent smile found your face as you happily swung your arms like a child.

"Payback!" You said grinning widely and shrugging your shoulders.

Her face dropped as you spun back around and began climbing the stairs that led to your shared bedroom.

Natasha shouted from the living room, "YOUR LUCKY I HAVE WORK TO GET DONE!"

You followed up giggling loudly in a high pitched manner. "Hehehe", and started your sprint up the stairs.

Yeah you were hopelessly in love with her, and she was head over heels for you.

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