Sleep talking (Wanda)

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Summary: You startle your girlfriend as you say concerning things in your sleep. Wanda, unaware of what sleep talking is, wiggs out and watches in confusion.
Wanda had never really heard anyone talk in their sleep before. Her brother and parents never used to do it and she never had gone to any sleep overs after her parents had died. As far as she was concerned it was something silly that people made up and only ever did in movies. But you see, that's where she was wrong.

Talking in your sleep was something that you did ever since you were a kid, although it used to be much more dramatic. You used to have full conversations with people and walk around the house while completely unconscious. As you got older you thankfully grew out of the sleepwalking stage, but every now and then you would have something to say in your sleep.

What was interesting about it was that when you did talk in your sleep you actually made coherent sentences, unlike some other people who would just spit gibberish. Sometimes when you talked in your sleep you had some recollection of what was happening. It was like you felt the motivation to say these things, like you truly believed in that moment that what you were saying was relevant and made complete since. This made the fact that Wanda had no clue what was happening even better.

Wanda had just gotten back from writing her mission report from the previous day. When she came to bed you were already asleep. As she walked into the room she headed straight for the bathroom to brush her teeth and wash her face.

She  was standing in the bathroom of the  bedroom, toothbrush in hand, slight foam surrounding the outline of her mouth when she heard it.

Sleeping Y/N: "What the hell man" you said while unconscious.

Wanda furrowed her eyebrows and left the bathroom to peek and see what was going on. She sat  in the doorway to the bathroom facing the bed with a confused look spread on her face as she saw that you were still asleep.

Wanda: "Babe?" she said cautiously, testing if you were actually asleep or if you just had your eyes closed. Sure enough you didn't answer.

As she turned back into the bathroom abruptly she stood and looked at herself in the mirror as she wondered who had talked, or if it was all just in her head.

She shook it off and finished her nightly routine. Once she was done she left the room to grab a glass of water, that's when she heard it again.

This time it was louder and more frantic. Even from the kitchen Wanda could clearly hear you as you stated loudly.


There was no doubt where it came from. Wanda's heart dropped, afraid for your safety she picked up her feet and began to run back towards the bedroom.

It was concerning enough that Wanda kept hearing these things coming from your bedroom, but what made it more concerning was that as your job as an Avenger your life was constantly in danger. If anyone else heard their partner say that they got shot in the hip in their sleep, they would surely brush it off. But Wanda knew that with their job anything could happen.

Her heart began to race as she got a rush of adrenaline. Her heart pounded in her ears as she charged towards the bedroom door. She burst it open and stood in the doorway once again confused.

There you sat, fast asleep, snuggled comfortably in one of her hoodies. But she knew. This time she knew what she had heard.

Her heart still beating quickly, she walked heavily towards your side of the bed as she lifted the blankets to reveal your sleeping body. Her hands found your hips as she gently searched for anything that seemed out of place, specifically a gunshot wound. Her fingers gently ran across your soft skin as she looked closely attempting to find anything. To add to her confusion she found nothing. Zip, zero, zilch. Absolutely nothing was wrong with your hips which made her second guess herself again.

She took a deep breath and thought to herself. That's when it hit her. She has seen people sleep talking on a sitcom she once watched, but when she saw it she just thought it was fake. Was it possible that you were sleep talking?

Sleeping Y/N: "uhhhhhhhhhhh" You groaned while still sleeping.

Wanda watched in amazement as she put the pieces together. She relaxed a little and layed in bed next to you while reading a book. Occasionally she would look over and watch you sleep hoping for more action throughout the night.

She was in the middle of the page of her book when you stirred again.

Still sleeping Y/N: "I got shot in the hip" you almost whispered to yourself.

Wanda: "You... got shot in the hip?" She repeated back to you slowly. At that you sat up in bed slowly gaining consciousness. You used your hands to add emphasis to the words you said again.

Slowly realizing what was happening,

Y/N: "I. Got shot. In. The hip" you said, realizing you had been sleeping, but even so stuck your ground.

Wanda: "W-Well... Who, Who shot you?" She asked curiously. Your eyebrows raised as you sat a little taller.

Y/N: "I-I dont... I don't knooooow! Some... some guy." you said raising the pitch of your voice.

Wanda: "Okay?" she said with a smile on her face as she started to giggle.

Y/N: "I got shot in the hip." you repeated giggling to yourself in disbelief  as you rolled over to fall back asleep.

At that Wanda put her book down, giggled, turned the lamp off and snuggled into you as she wrapped an arm around your side and pulled you close. You hummed in satisfaction.

Wanda: "Well what are we gonna do with you?" she whispered sarcastically against your skin as she exhaled, and you huffed in response.

It became a running joke around the compound as everybody referenced it as if it had actually happened.

That was only the beginning of your sleep talking shenanigans.
Fun fact, this actually happened to me last week, that's where I got the idea from. I was on vacation sharing a bed with my sister when I stated that I had gotten shot in the hip. Her reaction was similar to Wanda's.

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