rain kisses

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She's not really sure why they decided to go out for a walk,

first of all, it was pouring rain. Secondly, it was one in the morning. She had tried to tell Kara no, but in all honesty, Lena would do literally anything for Kara. 

they walked down the dark empty streets of National City, their hands intertwined to keep warmth, rain drops falling down each of their already soaked raincoats. Lena shivered slightly and felt Kara's grip on her hand tighten ever so slightly, her gaze never leaving in front of her.

"Kara where are we going" Lena asks softly, trying not to disturb the peaceful silence they've created. 

"I don't know" comes Kara's reply, soft and slightly muffled by the sound of the rain pouring down around them. They approach the park, a space normally packed when it's sunny. Lena can remember a few late spring days when she and Kara had moved here for their lunch dates and sat outside on a picnic blanket, Lena loved those days. Turning and heading into the entrance of the park, Lena continues to walk with Kara, not really caring where they end up, as long as it's with her. Kara stops suddenly in front of a small bench, soaked by the rain.

"Wanna sit?" Kara asks with a small inviting smile and normally, if Lena was in any reasonable state of mind, she might say something like 'Kara, that bench is soaked' but this time, she slowly nodded and sat down right beside Kara, scooching in so that they were so close their thighs were touching. Kara's arm snakes around Lena's shoulder and Lena brings her hand up to intertwine with Kara's. They sit in a comfortable silence, neither of them wanting to admit why they're so quiet, or why it's normal for them to walk hand in hand down the street and fill each other's offices up with flowers and call each other their heroes because that's too much. Lena gently rests her head against Kara's shoulder and feels Kara relax at the contact. She opens her mouth to talk, to maybe say what's certainly occupying both their minds right now, but nothing comes out, only a sigh accompanied by the same silence as before. Kara feels it too, she can tell, she can tell by the way her body tenses up ever so slightly and by the way Kara's mouth opens in an identical fashion, leaving them both with a similar feeling of longingness.

"Lena.." Kara finally says, after a long stretch of silence. She pauses, contemplating what, or more, how to say what she wants to say next.

"I know" Lena says before Kara can respond. Kara gives a look of disbelief, but Lena can tell she's not surprised.

"You-you do?" Kara asks, a tiny bit of hopefulness lingering in her voice.

"Yeah" Lena responds, quickly, her voice barely raising above a whisper.

"So do you...?" Kara asks, leaving the question open, blue eyes boring into green.

"Y-yeah" Lena says, looking up to make eye contact with Kara. Blue eyes widen, not in surprise, but in utter disbelief, the thought of Lena actually returning the feelings, it had seemed so unlikely.

"So... can I..?" Kara says, not finishing the question, she knows Lena knows what she means. Lena nods slowly, not trusting herself to form a coherent sentence.

Kara pauses for a second before leaning in, she cups Lena's jaw with one hand, uses the other to pull her in completely. They make eye contact one last time before their lips connect, a feeling of calmness washing over both of them. They sit in silence, the only sound being the rain, pattering on the ground, enjoying the feeling of finally knowing what it's like, finally being able to kiss, to know the sensation and to be with one and other.

They finally break apart after what feels like forever and the feeling when they do is like nothing else. Relief mixed with excitement and a huge weight lifted off of both of their chests. They both try to find the words to say it, to finish what they started, but neither want to break the perfect little bubble they've formed for themselves.

"I love you... I always have" Kara finally says, a small smile lighting up her features.

"I- I love you too" Lena replies, shaky and unsure, she never got used to opening up to anyone, about anything really. Lena took a deep breath and looked up at Kara, her soft loving smile never leaving. "god, I've always loved you, so much" Lena admits, a feeling of relief passing over her. Kara nods in agreement, never doubting how much love and affection they share.

"Do you- do you uhm wanna go back to my apartment and get some hot chocolate maybe?" Kara suggests, not wanting to ruin the moment.

"Always" Lena replies instantly, not ever wanting to give Kara even a shadow of a doubt that she loves her, that she cares. Kara smiles, takes Lena's hand and begins walking. They walk back to Kara's apartment, not even caring that they're completely soaked from the rain.

They arrive no more than fifteen minutes later. It's now two thirty in the morning yet Lena's not even tired. They enter the apartment and immediately strip off their rain gear, jackets and boots put to the side to dry. They both put on a sweater before Lena retreats to the couch while Kara prepares them each a cup of hot chocolate.

"Do you want marshmallows?" she hears Kara ask quietly from the kitchen, Lena almost laughs, not because it's funny, but because it's adorable.

"sure" Lena replies, knowing it'll be a whole different conversation if she refuses. She watches Kara walk over, two mugs in hand and sets them down on the table. Kara sits down beside her, she takes a sip of hot chocolate and sets it down before looking in Lena's direction.

"We should talk about it.." Kara says, not disappointed, just honest. Lena nods, a signal for Kara to go on.

"Well, I think we already established some things.." Kara starts, pauses, "I love you, and you love me... I don't really know what else to say.. do you want more out of this or is this just a one- time thing for you?" Kara asks, a new nervous energy entering her tone.

"Kara.. of course I want more out of this.. I wouldn't tell you I love you if I didn't mean it" Lena assures her, one hand reaching out to stroke Kara's arm.

"so do you wanna be.. y'know...?" Kara starts, afraid to finish the sentence.

"girlfriends?" Lena asks, unsure.

"yeah" is all Kara responds with, seemingly ready for rejection.

"Kara of course I do" Lena smiles, small, but bright. Kara's face lights up as she asks silent permission and pulls Lena in for another breathtaking kiss that Lena's sure she'll never get tired of.

Lena takes another sip of her hot chocolate, but the warmth spreading throughout her body has a completely different reasoning.

here's the link to the fanart on the cover: https://www.pinterest.ca/pin/953778027304722674/ 

hope you enjoyed :)

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