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...5 hours until dawn...

5 hours until dawn

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Natalie and Emily rushed off from the elks. They continue walking to the fire tower. Natalie sighed "Em?" She questioned.

Emily looked over at her "Hm? What's up?" She asked.

"If I die tonight-"

"You're not gonna die tonight." Emily interrupted.

"Well if I do. Can you tell Chris I'm sorry for being a horrible sister, for always pushing him away?" Natalie asked.

Emily nodded "I will, but you won't die, you'll be able to tell him yourself." She reassured.

Natalie nodded and they arrived at the tower where a bright light turned on. "Holy shit that's bright."

Emily covered her eyes "What is it?" Emily asked.

"Uh motion light I'd assume." She responded. The girls made their way up the stairs to the tower. Covering their eyes from the light.

They climbed a few ladders until finally they were up. Emily opened the door to the outside, Natalie glanced around the room. She grabbed a paper from the printer and stared at it.

Emily came back in "Okay I turned it on and I found gun." She said before frowning. "What is that?"

Natalie turned around "Uh it's Beth's missing poster." She mumbled. Emily nodded slowly. The two stayed silent until Emily walked over to the radio and turned it on.

"Hello! Please help us!" She stammered.

"This is the Blackwood County Sheriff department, please repeat your message." You could hear from the radio.

"Please please please help us! There's a psycho up on this mountain and he's gonna kill us! They already killed one of our friends! Please!" She cried.

"Emily calm down..." Natalie said.

"We cannot understand what you are saying. Please speak slowly and clearly. What is your name?"

"Okay... my name is Emily." She said slowly, "I'm up on Blackwood mountain and there's a killer after us!"

"Okay we read you we'll send help as soon as the storm is over."

"What? How long will that be?" Emily asked.

"Dawn at the latest. You'll have to wait until dawn."

Suddenly pounding came from the trap door. "No! He's hear to kill me!" Emily cried.

Natalie backed away from trap door "No!" She screamed. The tower started tipping and Emily flew to a window and Natalie caught herself and hung onto a broken window, glass piercing her skin. "Emily!" Emily dodged a few falling things from hitting her.

Soon the window broke and she landed on the railing of the tower. "Fuck! Natalie! Help!" She screamed.

Natalie felt a sudden stillness of her body take over. If she was to let go, she would 110% fall to her death. She just hung there until the tower full into the ground and she was able to climb to Emily. She did so. "Emily... Em I'm coming hold on." She slowly and carefully made her way to Emily.

"Natalie I can't hold on much longer!" Emily cried. "Please please just get me off this goddamn tower!"

"Please stop yelling at me!" She shouted and tried to reach for Emily.

"Sorry- I'm sorry just! Please Natalie!" She yelled.

Natalie stretched her arm out farther. "I can't reach you!" She shouted.

The tower fell further into the mountain. Emily fell further, now just hanging by her arms. But that gave Natalie the chance to reach move closer. "Shit!" Emily cried.

"I'm coming Em, it'll be okay. I'm coming." Natalie reassured her. She moved down closer snd reached her hand out. Emily removed her hand and grabbed ahold of Natalie's. But the whole tower collapsed the girls going with it.

"Don't let go of me!" Natalie screamed, luckily Emily kept ahold of Natalie tightly.

- flashback -

"Why the hell? Why the hell would you do that!" Chris shouted. The day of the twins disappearance.

"Chris- we were just messing around... I didn't think this would all happen!" Natalie defended. She already felt bad enough, having to confess to the people who where more of a family than her own that she was apart of their daughters disappearance.

Chris put his hands on his head "Yeah! Well now the twins blood is on your hands! All of your hands!" He yelled.

"Chris stop that please!" Natalie yelled, tears flowing down her face. She know her brother didn't mean it, or at least she hoped. She hoped he was just saying this in the heat of an argument, because he was upset. Natalie already felt horrible.

- flashback over -

Natalie suddenly felt a force stop her from falling.

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