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...six hours until dawn...

six hours until dawn

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Natalie walked with Emily as they approached the cable car station. "Finally," Emily said, they approached the door.

"Hell yes!" Natalie exclaimed, pulling an axe out of the door. "Think any psycho is gonna come near us now?" She jokingly swung the axe around.

Emily laughed and tried to open the door "Shit it's locked." She said. Natalie stared at the door "Well? Break it down?"

Natalie shook her head "Em. What if he hears us? Do you wanna alert him?" She asked.

Emily sighed "Right okay." She agreed. "What's another way in then?"

Natalie glanced around before spotting an open window "There!" She said pointing to the window.

"Look not to burst your bubble, but we won't fit," Emily said.

Natalie walked over to the window "Trust me on this." She said and pulled the window open wider before it wouldn't budge. Her arms aching. "See."

Emily nodded "Okay well go on."

Natalie looked at her "Alone?" She questioned.

Emily sighed "Yell if you need help, my ass won't fit," she reminded.

Natalie nodded and climbed through the window. "Fuck I can't see anything! It's pitch black!" Natalie grunted. 

Natalie moved her way to the door, bumping into things. Before she finally grabbed onto the handle and pushed it open. "Thanks," Emily said, a smile forming on her face.

Natalie nodded and flicked the light switch on, seeing the words DIE painted on the wall in red. "Holy shit, this place is trashed," Natalie whispered.

"We were just here a few hours ago, this had to be recent," Emily said.

Natalie sighed and shook her head. "Okay let's just get the cable car going." She reported and walked over to where the key should be. "Shit!" She said as she realized the key was gone. 

"What? What is it?" Emily asked.

"The key! It's gone. The psycho must have taken it!" Natalie ranted, "Fuck! Shit!"

"Okay calm down, we'll think of something else." Emily insisted. She looked around the room, a map catching her eye. "That's it! The fire tower! Maybe we could get ahold of someone?"

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