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Being born is a date to celebrate we bring life into the world not knowing what to do or how to be anxious,pain as the time comes to bring a life is date was set to try to come into this world .
Birthdays are days we celebrate because it's a new year at a different age ,exiting but scary then we can't wait to be a certain age just to become that age just to feel the same nothing much changes but we can't wait for this or that or to be 18 for life to really being just to wish those younger days back.

Writhing down dates to remember just to forget but not all the time we forget them ,Dates are what we go by on bread they have a best by date or on milk a going bad date , dates when school start then when it ends , days of appointments is a dates , dates when party's are set ,Date that you will always remember like that date of an accident , or when a parents leaves . Marriage dates days to plan forever with , dates of when a game and movie, shows come out even new toys . Dates we know we try to remember or work around but there is one date we can't miss or forget or skip it's our death date nobody know when we will die but when we do it's engraved on a stone so those dates won't be forgotten , dates that come around counting another year dates are important even if they aren't great .

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