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Lilith grabbed my hand and caused me to drop my Journal, she ran me down the hill to the old barn beneath the hill we got halfway down and she sat down and rolled down the hill, and that caused me to roll down the hill as well.

"Ah! Lilith!!" I said as I tripped over her cause she was still holding my hand we got to the bottom and she laughed.

"That! Was Fun!! You should've seen your face sage you were so scared when you tripped over me!!" Her laugh caused me to laugh, leaving us in a funny mess.

"Why did we come down here?" I asked confuse.

"Look! The barn doors open, let's go exploring!!" The barn door had never been opend before so this was the first, it was an old run down barn that had a rusty lock that wouldn't budge, but some how someone got it

We walked inside the old barn and it had holes in the roof where the sunlight was coming in. There were bird nests all up in the corners, Lilith climbed on top to this ladder and there was a rope hanging from the beam in the ceiling. She climbed up and swung from the rope, my heart sank when she fell from the top of the hay. Then she swung back and fourth screaming and laughing she was spinning and enjoying this, I was very entertained by the birds in the corner and how they wernt afraid, they were crows.

We left the barn and walked back up the hill we stayed there all day, I had to grab my journal and head back home before dinner, dinner was at 7:00 sharp, every night and I didn't want to get yelled at and be the cause for another fight from my parents.


Her hair is so beautiful,while she was swinging from the old barn rope her hair was short but it flowed nicely with the wind, she ended up jumping off and into a hay bail, I tried to swing off the barn rope and ended up
Chickening out and jumping down below into some hay. Today was a good day, We had steak and salad for dinner it was nice, wish it would have been cooked better though, mom likes the insides pink. It's disgusting. It's only good when it's cooked all the way through and it's incredibly mouth watering.

Mom and dad seemed to actually be decent tonight, seemed they solved the arguing from this morning. It's so overwhelming when they do that, it makes me want to scream, but I can't
Cause I'll get yelled at more. I'm only 16. I can't leave yet, I want too, but I can't and it's so disappointing, because it makes me more upset.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2021 ⏰

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