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Surviving is all that mattered, seeing how Micheal clung on to me as we ran into the bunker and Tommy's worried expression proved that enough..
The food is slowly running out and we are all dehydrated. The conditioner doesn't work now, the air is hot and the others look like they might die of heat stroke if not by dream.

Sep 27, 2030

Today was uneventful, Tommy took care of Micheal while Ranboo and I pinpointed the locations in the bunker one room at a time, the bunker looks as though it was left to rot for fifty years at least, large cracks in the walls, chairs and furniture thrown around or teared to bits, ruined garden with old crops wasting away, looking as though they've been aggressively pulled out like how somebody would pull out their own enemies hair. One by one.

I don't care what happens as long as my friends and family SURVIVE

156 words

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