Natalie nodded "Yeah that's a great idea! There should be a radio up there." She agreed.

"What are we waiting for?" Emily said happily and the two girls walked out and around the ledge of the station. Emily and Natalie walked over to the ladder. "I'm too short, help me."

Natalie nodded and stood up on her tippy toes and pulled the letter down. Emily smiled and climbed down, Natalie going after her. "Don't look down okay?" Natalie ordered.

Emily nodded and kept walking, nearly falling she was saved by Natalie quickly wrapping her arm around her waist. "T-thank you." Emily sighed in relief "Can you go first?"

Natalie smiled, nodding "Of course." She said and went in front of Emily, the two girls made it the rest of the way safely. "That was close."

"Tell me about it." Emily agreed. The two girls continued walking in silence until Emily spoke up, "Wanna know why I'm such a bitch?"

Natalie frowned, looking at her "You're not a bitch Em." She disagreed.

"Nat you don't have to disagree, believe me, I know." She said, chuckling. "It's just over the past year it's been especially hard. I don't know if you knew this but my parents divorced, I also lose Jess during that because she decided oh let me date Mike!"

"Em I'm sorry- I had no clue..." Natalie comforted.

"It's alright Natalie. But I blame myself for the death of the twins and my parents really didn't care at all. I'm afraid of losing more people so I just make them hate me first." She explained, the two girls stopped walking. "But you're different I know you'll never leave me."

Natalie blushed "Of course I won't Emily, you're my best friend." She said.

"Yeah... best friend..." Emily whispered, Natalie barely hearing her. The two continued walking "The point is, what I'm trying to say is thank you."

Natalie smiled "Trust me Em, I understand. I've had my fair share of hard times over the past year." She admitted.

"Like what?" She asked.

Natalie bit her lip, pulling her jacket sleeves off. "I uh." She started, but Emily was already frowning, she understood. Natalie showed Emily her wrists.

Emily sighed "Natalie you could have called me. Or at least texted me." She told her.

Natalie shrugged "I didn't- I'm sorry. I was scared and hurting a lot. No one knew besides you now." She told her. Natalie looked around before taking a left.

"Nat the towers this way." She said, pointing in the opposite directions.

"Wait they're footsteps-" Natalie said.

"Bad idea Natalie! What- what if it's the psycho?" Emily hissed.

Natalie lifted the axe, to make a point. She walked across a bridge before a board caved in, Natalie looked down and saw a phone, she picked it up. "Beth..." she whispered and rushed back over to Emily. "Holy shit Em- it's! It's Beth! Beth's phone!" She showed her the phone.

"Fuck." Emily muttered "Holy shit- I can't believe it! The police said they searched this mountain head to toe!" Emily acknowledged.

Natalie sighed "I guess not." She said and put the phone in her pocket. The two girls continued walking. Before they came to a cliff "It's dangerous, we should continue walking."

Emily nodded and the two girls turned around but paused when they saw a group of elk walking towards them. "Shit..." Emily whispered.

"Just- just walk slowly," Natalie ordered. She thought about pulling the axe out, but didn't, she knew it would just make things worse.

- flashback -

The group gathered in a large circle. "Okay, who will spin first," Emily asked, her finger up to her lip. "Natalie you go. If you spin Chris just spin again."

Natalie sighed, she didn't wanna spin the bottle, she didn't wanna kiss anyone. But most of all she wanted it to land on anyone but Emily.

Natalie leaned forward and spinned the bottle. She watched it spin, it felt like an eternity until it finally stopped. She looked up to see who it landed on. She met eyes with Josh. Fuck. This is gonna be weird and they both know it would.

Always she leaned forward until their lips touched. It was a quick kiss, she was glad it was over with. But she sat there in silence the rest of the game. They only did one round, luckily she didn't have to kiss anyone else. But when Emily got to kiss Mike, lucky her it was her boyfriend, she still felt jealous. But why?

And that's when she realized.

1. She didn't wanna kiss Emily.

2. She felt jealous when Emily kissed others

3. Emily made her feel this special feeling.

She was in love with Emily Davis. And not just puppy love like elementary kids had. She was in love with Emily, Natalie Hartley was a lesbian.

- flashback over -

The girls' safety made their way through.

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