"I figured." He said, looking at them from behind his spectacles as he re-poured some tea on their half-empty teacups. "What's happening? Between you two."

"Us two?" Henry asked as he sipped from his tea. Amy didn't even answer as she glued her eyes to the floor, knowing very well what her professor meant.

"Yes, you two. You have been both so off the past couple of weeks. Do you want to talk about something?" Joel continued with a kind, slight smile. He was indeed a great person to be honest. Always there for his students, to help in any way he could.

"No, nothing's wrong. Everything's fine. Everything's cool." Henry replied, shaking his head and he words only sounded suspicious for some reason. Amy though still kept her eyes fixated at the floor because she just wanted to scream at Henry's face at the moment because she just knew that he was pulling utter bullshit. "Just with the stress for the host thing and all, we've been kind of exhausted."

"Oh I hope we don't put too much pressure on you. I can change it if it stresses you that much." Joel quickly said because the last thing he ever wanted to do was putting extra stress on his students.


"No!" Amy said the same time Henry positively yelped that Joel should diminish their work for the program. Silence fell over the room as Amy shot Henry a death look and looked at him with the most hurt eyes. That thing was what they had always been dreaming – at least after they got over their astronaut and pirate etc. phases – and now Henry had so easily almost threw it away. Henry averted his eyes from his best friend's and was now his turn to fix them at the floor.

"What is wrong with you!?" Amy asked suddenly clearly angry with him. Joel remained silent as he closed the drawer he had pulled open to change their names.

"What? N-Nothing is wrong with me." Henry defensively said as he got his green eyes to meet Amy's grey ones.

"I know you are mad but I don't think that it should really be a reason to throw away something that big. Plus! I already apologized over and over again!" Amy told him surprisingly calmer than indented. In Henry's face though there wasn't anger or anything, rather than something else.

"I am not mad..." He simply said avoiding her burning gaze as he nervously fidgeted his fingers on his lap. Amy scrunched up her eyebrows as he looked at his delicate hands and the way they were nervously trailing the fabric of his trousers.

"Oh c'mon, Henry! Don't pull that bullshit on me! You're obviously mad at me and I totally get it, alright? I totally do! But I think you've punished me enough. There's been nearly five weeks since it happened! You've got to forgive me!" Amy finally gave in, not able to contain herself anymore. She did understand why Henry was mad at her but not even her would keep on being mad for that long to him for a not so tragic reason. Because she truly was sorry for not telling him first.

"I am not mad Amy..." He said and nothing changed from some seconds ago when he said it again, which irritated Amy only the more.

"THEN WHY ARE YOU BEING LIKE THAT TO ME?" Amy then said loudly with a sigh, having now stood up from her armchair. Henry looked up at her with guilty eyes and Amy furrowed her eyebrows at his expression.

"I... I don't how to tell you." He said then with a sigh, and Amy felt suddenly as though she'd might explode. What was that now?

"Just spit it out ferucksake!" Amy said irritated as the temperature on the room seem to be rising by every second that her anger grew. She didn't know why she was that angry but she was.

"Fine! I slept with Hayley! And we're together now." Henry said in one breath and watched as Amy's face drained from colour. Well, Amy didn't really like Hayley. She was an old classmate of theirs. Her and Henry had a history and well let's say that it didn't really end good. For Henry at least... He lowered his head as he waited for whatever tantarum was about to throw. And as he was prepared for the worst Amy just let out a laugh. A cold, inside-ripping laugh.

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