Chapter 10

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Mondays are the worst days of the week, and that's not an unpopular opinion. That's it. That's the statement of the day.

"Amy time to wake up." Brian's voice echoed through my head. I groaned, which is a part of my daily routine before getting out of bed, and pulled the duvet closer to me. I heard footsteps in the parke and I immediately knew what that meant. 

"Brian don't you fucking dare." I groaned, knowing that it wouldn't stop him but it was worth a shot. Soon enough Brian was pulling back the curtains, opening the blankets, much to my dismay. I snuggled under the duvet, swearing and cursing Brian, who was now tidying a bit my desk, where there were splayed all upon it books from last night. Honestly! How could he have the energy to tide up this early in the fucking morning?! "BRIAN C'MONNNN."

"It's time to wake up. You'll miss your classes if you don't. Plus you'll miss breakfast." He said as he put my books on my bookshelf. I really wanted to kill him at that exact moment. 

"Briannnnn!!!!!!" I groaned hitting my hand on the bed in protest, but he didn't seem very touched by it. All I wanted was to sleep and he wanted to make my life difficult. "BRIAN FUCKING CLOSE THE CURTAINS."

"I can't, Amy. You have to wake up." He said calmly as he continued putting my books on the bookshelf in all the wrong places. He was practically messing it up. I got out of bed, pissed at Brian, and started tossing anything I could in his direction. He was so used to it by now that he just continued with his tidying. "Just don't throw that Philosophy tome. It seems heavy." 

"Well then it will teach you a fucking lesson," I said tossing the book at him. He simply ducked it making me madder. "Stop messing up my things!!!!!!!! The notebooks are going at the bottom shelf and the large tomes AT THE FREAKING UPPER SHELF!!!! AND STOP TIDYING!!!" 

"Well, I can't stop tidying. And I am not tidying. I am organizing, love. Go eat some breakfast. It's in the kitchen." He smiled at me bending to give me a kiss on my cheek. I shoved him off and marched out of the room, kicking the wall as I did so. I hate it when I am not waking up in my own way. And I hate it when they tidy my things because for me they are tidied as they are. I can easily find what I need. Oh, gods what a freaking awful way to start your morning. Basically every morning you have to wake up early is awful. I went to the living room and laid on the couch, closing my eyes for a bit. "When I said go get breakfast I didn't mean go sleep at the couch." Brian's voice was heard as he was standing above me. I groaned and pulled the blanket I had grabbed over my head. "No seriously, get up."


"C'mon Amy, you are not seven anymore. At some point, you'll have to accept things you don't like." He said as he went over and grabbed a book from the armchair putting it back at its place on the bookshelf. A ruddy perfectionist that one is. 

"Don't philosophize on me." I frowned turning my back on him. He was basically right but I had no intention of practicing self-improvement at this hour. 

"I'm just saying, love, we cannot keep on fighting every morning for you to wake up."

"Shut up Brian."

"It's just logical you know. I mean you are basically an adult. Sooner or later you'll have to wake up in the morning without complaining. Do you know how much of your energy is consumed by whining? " He continued. His voice was echoed from many corners of the living room as he paced about.

"Fuck off Brian."

"It's not wort-"

"FUCK OFF BRIAN." I snapped as I got up from the couch. Alright, now I was fully awake. I moved towards the kitchen and tossed a pen at Brian, who was grinning widely at his achievement. "IDIOT. I WOULD WAKE UP. ON MY OWN. WITHOUT YOUR STUPID SELF THERE. ANNOYING GIT."

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