𝕔𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝕗𝕠𝕦𝕣

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You didn't blame Sam at all, but now you knew why they were here, And you had a pit feeling in your stomach, dismay because the only way to really end it all would be killing her. You sat there in the ambulance as Josh handed everyone what was needed. "I can't believe you're wearing that, Deena commented.

You followed behind them to where it happened. "Still gives me the shivers, You commented. "So i fell out of the car, Sam started. "Here, i was crawling and my nose was bleeding, and then...i feel something."

She paused, pulling out something that was chains. "Chains? You asked. Simon stared down. "This is...her grave, you said nervously, everyone around you hitting realization. Josh looked down at something, confirming otherwise.

"Sam disturbed her grave, Kate said, quite harshly, clearly pissed off at her. "Okay Kate, that may be true but someone was bound to find it, You defended, Sam weakly smiling at you.

"So all of those psycho killers are coming after us now, Josh? You asked him, He turned to you, then heard a noise. "Remain quiet, you whispered. "Put the bones back where you found it, Simon said, nervously.

"That's so stupid! Deena said. "It's genius! Josh commented. You all turned around, apprehensiveness filling inside of you. "Can't we go back? You asked. "No, Y/N, it's too late, Deena told you.

You saw Sam's nose bleed, getting deja vu as you had witnessed it before, you believed. But none of this was any of you or your friend's fault, in fact, you thought Sunnyvalers were in it, or at least... one of them.

But of course, that was purely suspicion, you didn't have proof.  "Did it work? Kate yelled. Josh saw a killer come after them. You managed to run as fast as possible, not looking back as you were in the ambulance.

"Holy shit, Simon said. "It's not as easy as putting bones to rest, Deena said, she seemed terrified as well, as expected. 

"Clearly, You pipe in."But there has to be some way to kill them off." "That's pointless, they're already dead! Kate told you. "Maybe it's her missing Hand? Josh suggested. "Who gives a shit it doesn't matter! Kate said."How do we not die?"

None of your friends had ever argued before, or be this scared, but you just stared off into space, not wanting to get involved, all you wanted to figure out was how to survive in the end. Those killers were going to go away.

You just needed to figure out how, but you did hear Sam say, "They're not coming for us, they're coming for me." You stared at her, worried for your former friend, although now it seemed that maybe, she would be your friend again.

You frowned, and so did everyone else.  "What? Deena said. "I saw her, Sam said. "The witch, i disturbed her grave, she wants me." "Yeah, Josh said. "Nightwing went right by me, it was like he couldn't see me, he went for her."

You didn't want to believe it, but as much as you didn't, you did, it all came together, it was so obvious. "No, Ruby attacked Simon, and the mask came after us when we were home, and when you were babysitting! Deena argued.

Suddenly, Kate pulled over, and said, "It wants blood, not about us." You felt like vomiting, but that made sense, but what would the blood do?

You had no clue.

"Important question, why does it want blood? these killers? You ask. "Not sure, Josh answered. "But it makes sense Y/N." "He came to our house, too, Deena said, who stared down at her shoe. 

"Remember, Sam vomited out blood? You point out. "It wants her blood, the blood itself, not us."

"Okay so, what did they do in jaws? Sam asked. You just glanced at Simon, before realizing that Sam was going to be bait. 

"We just have to give these assholes what they want."

You weren't sure on what to do, everything was being processed too quickly, You decided to remain close to Simon, he was nice, and you really liked him, clearly he liked you as well, so that was what you were going to do.

One thing was for sure, you couldn't split up, horror movies always proved that. Now in the school, You were a bit hesitant about the plan. "What will this do? You ask, questioning Josh's plan.

"Y/n, where anything that doesn't have Sam's blood on it, Josh told you. "Not much i can do about that, Sam commented. You sighed, and just went along with it."I feel bad for her." Deena simply walked away.

"I do, too, Simon agreed. "But i mean, what else can we do? she has to be bait." You bit your lower lip." I know, but does Deena accept that?" "I don't want to go in by myself, Kate said, Josh there.

You slightly smiled, realizing the two had feelings for each other. Simon smirked at you as well, thinking the exact same thing as you did. You went in to change as well. Nothing was going to be the same anymore.

Although by now, you knew plenty of the massacres that had happened in this shithole of a town, and you and everyone else wanted to end it. 

Your parents should have moved away the moment you were born, or at least sooner. But then again, you wouldn't have met your close friend group. 

In the bathroom, you finished changing. "Do you really think this is going to work? Kate asked. Josh washing his hands. "I do, Josh said.  "Can you help me? Kate asked, you smiled, exiting the bathroom at the perfect moment.

You didn't want to ruin it after all. You stood outside of the door, waiting for everyone else, this was the boring part, of course. "Just perfect, you muttered. "Everyone is as slow as a snail." 

"Or making out, Simon piped in, finishing after you. You laughed. "You total dingbat!" He went closer to you, and smiled. "Y/N, will you be my girlfriend? He asked.

You simply kissed him and said, "I'd love to."

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