Holy shit

Her voice was beautiful

She had so much control

It was


I looked at Jett

His jaw was dropped

He mouthed she can sing?! To me

I looked back at him confused

This was amazing

Y/n POV:

I felt my voice about to crack so I stopped

I had to find the right notes

I heard a noise

I look back to see Vinnie and Jett on either side of the door, jaws dropped

"Why are you guys here?!" I say standing up in embarrassment. I can't believe they just watched and heard me sing....

My face flushes red as vinnie goes to answer. I never let people hear me sing, that's only for me

"That was beautiful..... we came up to grab my keys, I didn't know you could sing?!" He says surprised

"I can't..." you grab his keys from beside the bad amd hand them to him. "There you go" you say

"Y/n, your voice is beautiful" Jett finally says

Omg there making me feel more embarrassed.... My voice isn't that good, I haven't sung in months

"Thank you Jett, goodluck with the cars" you say hoping they would leave

And they did, they left. Vinnie shut the door behind them then they walked downstairs


What just happened?! I was so embarrassed, never doing that again

Unless I know nobody is watching

I went back to cleaning my closet, changing everything out

After about 1 hour and a half I finished up, and put everything back in. Except the piano

I wanted to start playing more. It helped a lot, I felt calm while playing it. Like nothing else exists. Just me, and the music

I left it on my desk on the side of the room

I led in bed with my head in my hands, hoping that would never happen again

They didn't make me feel as bad as I thought though. Was it actually beautiful or are they lying....

I went on my phone and waited for them to get home

The door opened, vinnie and Jett walked in... with keys, not his keys

"What did you do v" you said sarcastically

"I ummmm, we got a new car?" He said quietly

You laughed. He was so cute "what car?" You asked

You all talked a bit about the new car, till one of them brought earlier up

"Have you always been able to sing?" Jett asked

You take a deep breath. Can't change this now

"I used to sing all the time, but when I started dating Lucas and stuff, things got all stressful so I guess I just stopped"

Vinnie looked concerned

"You should start singing again, really your voice is beautiful" Vinnie said as Jett agreed

Home in a person (Vinnie hacker love story)Where stories live. Discover now