Luella bit her lip "I don't know what I want" she said looking up at her brother

"How about, we go out tomorrow and you pick whatever you would like?" he suggested


Xander nodded "Whatever you like" he repeated


the morning light streamed in through the window, casting a warm glow across the entire penthouse as Luella bursted into Xander's bedroom, her heart brimming with excitement. with a mischievous glint in her eyes, she dashed across the floor and leapt onto his bed, the soft mattress yielding beneath her weight "Xander! Wake up!" she exclaimed. her small hands reached out to gently shake her brother's shoulder "Shopping time!"

Xander gently rubbed his eyes and saw his sister still jumping. Luella edged closer to her brother's side her small feet almost hitting her brother's ribs, her laughter filling the room as her brother was barely awake. suddenly her trajectory shifted and she found herself hurling towards her brother "Whoa there, princess!" Xander exclaimed lunging forward just in time to catch her mid-air, before she injured herself and her brother, his arms wrapping around her in a protective embrace.

"Sorry Xander" Luella mumbled fidgeting with her brothers' chain

Xander kissed his sister's head "You okay?" he asked pulling her away from his embrace to take a good look at her. She seemed a bit shaken at the moment but was okay now. Xander grabbed a hairband from his wrist and pulled his sister's hair into a small bun "Did you wash your face?"

Luella nodded and smiled at her brother "All by myself too" her voice carried a sense of pride as she recounted the achievement, her small hands gesturing to emphasise each detail "turned the sink on, and splashed my face with water, oh and I changed by myself" Xander smiled at his sister "well done, go downstairs and grab one of your snacks to eat quickly so we can leave" Luella quickly nodded and walked out of the bedroom

Xander swung his legs over the edge of his bed, the promise he made to his sister echoing in his mind. As he rose, the soft glow of the sun filtering through his curtains, illuminated his determined expression. he walked to his bathroom, took a quick shower and brushed his teeth before grabbing a towel to wrap around his waist. with swift movements, he reached for his clothes, his fingers fumbling in the dim light as he hurried to dress. with a final tug of his shirt, he walked downstairs to see his sister wearing her small shoes and struggling to tie her laces. he knelt in front go her and tied her laces before ruffling her hair and grabbing his car keys.

Luella bounded through the aisles of the toy store, her eyes widened with wonder as she trialled beside her brother "Look, Xander, Look!" she exclaimed, her voice filled with excitement as she pointed out various toys that caught her eye. Xander smiled, his hand not letting go of her small one "What about this one?" he suggested, holding up a doll that she had been eyeing moments before. Luella's eyes lit up with delight and nodded in agreement.

After rounds of touring the mall, and entering the different number of stores that Luella wanted to go to, Xander was left with barely any money in his current account. Xander carried the bags in one hand and held his sister's hand in another "Ella?" he spoke up. Luella looked up at her brother "Yeah?"

Xander smiled at his sister "Aaron messaged me saying Ada wants you to come over, do you want to go before you leave to see mummy tomorrow?" he asked

Luella's eyes lit up "Please Xander, I really wanna go"


Luella stood eagerly at the doorstep of Aarons's home, her heart pounding with anticipation as she clutched her older brother's hand "They are home right Xander?" she asked as they waited for the door to swing open, with each passing moment, Luellas's suspense grew.

Xander furrowed his brows "Yeah, Aaron told me they're home" Finally the door latch clicked, and the door creaked open, revealing Ada with a bright smile "Luella!" Ada's voice came from inside as she opened the door

A bright smile took over Ella's small face as she saw her best friend "Bye Xander" Luella kissed her brother's cheek as he knelt down

"I'll get Adriel to pick you up alright?"

Luella nodded and ran off inside with Ada

It was her first time at Aaron's house so the place was all new to her and she was yet to meet Kinsley

"Hey Luella" Aaron walked inside with his wife behind him heavily pregnant

"Hi" She shyly replied with a small wave

Aaron looked at Kinsley and helped her take a seat "Sit down" he told her placing a pillow behind her back

"There's a baby in her tummy?" Luella shockingly asked Ada

"Yes! It's a girl" Ada replied walking right over to where Kinsley was seated "Can we touch your belly?" She asked eagerly, her excitement mirroring Luellas

Kinsley smiled and gently nodded "Sure,"

Luella also walked over and smiled before looking at Kinsley "I'm Luella" she introduced herself

Astrid smiled at how cute Luella was whilst introducing herself "I'm Kinsley"

"IT KICKED" Ada suddenly shouted causing Ella and Astrid to look at her

"Luella, you can touch my belly too if you want" Kinsley rubbed a thumb over Ella's cheek


Kinsley sat down properly and gently grabbed Ella's hand placing it on her belly just in time as the baby kicked

"The baby kicked" Luella laughed "When will it come out?"

Kinsley sighed "Hopefully 4 days"

"Already?" Ada asked confused

"Hi Luella" Alejo walked in with his iPad in his hand looking for Aaron

"Hi Alejo" Ella waved

Kinsley slightly turned around to look at Alejo "Aaron's on the balcony" she pointed at her husband who was leaning over the rail smoking

"Thanks" Alejo tiptoed to kiss Kinsley's cheek before running off to his cousin "Aaron!"

"You girls wanna help me cook?"

whoops sorry for no update, obviously school started and my exam stresses are just not it but... there is only 1 more chapter left :/

this book has come so far I'll forever be grateful for this but Luella's story is not yet over ;)

Her Brothers And HerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora