Along the way, the road turned into a rocky trail, and although it was inevitable to admit to himself,  Stiles' destination was always on his mind.

Behind two corner trees, a broken down house appeared. When Stiles realized he had stumbled across the Hale house, he slammed on the brakes and put the jeep in reverse. 

“What are you doing here?”

A voice appeared out of thin air.

Although it was a shame to admit, Stiles knew exactly who the voice belonged to. A deep enthralling voice, one he heard continuously in his dreams. Well, when he was able to sleep. 

Stiles peered towards the house, tracking down the owner to that melodic voice. However, he jumped when realizing Derek was standing beside him, staring inside of the jeep.

Derek was covered in a layer of sweat. His thin shirt stuck to his body like an extra layer of skin.

Stiles couldn’t contain the small whimper passing through his lips.

Derek tilted his head, a petulant expression stained on his face.

“Stiles,” Derek said, hard, “what are you doing here?”

Blushing, Stiles looked to the Hale house, scared to show Derek the sudden change of color spreading across his cheeks.

Stiles avoided Derek’s strong gaze and contemplated his answer, but it always got mixed up with the words of his demon. 

“Tell him,” the demon uttered. “Tell him what you want from him . . . what you want him to do to you. Tell him, you pathetic coward.

The demon laughed. 

“Watch as Derek looks at you repulsed. Listen to him as he automatically says no. After all, who would say yes? You, Stiles Stilinski are ugly, worthless.”

Stiles slumped, ashamed. Even if he wanted to disagree with everything the demon said, there was some truth. Who could ever love him? He had never had a girlfriend or a boyfriend. He was unattractive to both sexes. The thought made Stiles even more depressed. 

“Who is it that?” Derek asked, all of a sudden. “Is Scott with you?” 

Derek leaned through the window his face an inch away from Stiles.

Stiles froze at the close proximity, smelling Derek’s sweet scent that had him whimpering again.

Derek looked confused, meeting Stiles’ light brown eyes. 

“I swore someone else was just talking.”

“No one was talking, Derek.” Other than Demon . . . Wait, could Derek here his conscience thinking?

Stiles' blush drained into a murky white. He was completely embarrassed, and turned on his car before the demon had the chance to confess Stiles’ feelings for Derek. 

“I gotta go,” Stiles stuttered. Reversing, he almost beheaded Derek during the process.

Derek moved away just in time, standing completely still. His face confused more than ever. 

Stiles reversed until hitting the road, making a swift U-turn  home. He hadn’t eaten anything all day and stopped through a drive thru burger joint, ordering a double cheeseburger, fries and a large coke. 

Stiles parked in the driveway, taking his horde of food to his room and slammed the door, keeping the lights off and heading straight for his bed.

Stiles clicked on the television to Adventure Time and laid out his food in front of him.

Halfway into his burger, he called Scott. Again, there was no answer. 

“You’re going to die alone,” Demon roared; Stiles tried ignoring the voice by turning up the volume louder. “No one to love poor, ugly Stiles.”

“Just shut up," Stiles pleaded. Please."

“Beg like a little bitch. Beg like the little bitch you are.”

“Please?” Stiles' voice strained. “Please just leave me alone.”

“I just wanted to make sure you were okay?”

A velvet voice appeared, making Stiles jump in his seat.

Stiles searched around his room and noticed his window was open. Standing in the darkest corner of the room, Derek’s pale face appeared with strong, red like eyes. 

“What are you doing here?” Stiles throat went dry. 

“Ah --- that seems to be on both of our minds.”

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