Princess Switch-Part 4 (Adrienette)

Start from the beginning

Marinette- Better.¯\_(ツ)_/¯

Bridgette-(Giggles) Now watch.

Bridgette-(Walks again but like a royal)

Marinette-(Stands up from the bed) Okay.

Marinette-(Walks like a royal somehow) 

Bridgette-Oh!(Trying not to laugh)

Marinette-(Turns around fancy) bowing gesture)

Marinette-(Understands and bows)

Bridgette-(Giggling) No.(Puts hand on her forehead while laughing)

Marinette-So bad!(Laughs with her)

Marinette and Bridgette-(Exchange phone cases so that no one will suspect)

Bridgette-Oh.(Giggles)Its so cute.

Miss Alya-(Looking at Marinette after she changed into Bridgette's clothes) 

Marinette-(Shows off)

Miss Alya-Almost there.One final finishing touch.(About to spray hair spray

Marinette-(Quickly bends down)Oh,um,sorry.I don't do hair spray.

Miss Alya-You will learn to do hair spray.

Bridgette-(Changed and comes and inturrupts) What do you think?

Bridgette-Marinette-Dupain-Cheng.How's it hanging?(Does a wierd pose)

Marinette-(Puts her head a bit back) How's it hanging?

Bridgette-A bit much,Is it?

???-(Knocking on the door)

Marinette-Who is it?

Prince Adrien-Adrien.May I come in?

Miss alya,Marinette and Bridgette-(Eyes widen and look at eachother)

Bridgette-(Gestures her to say something)

Marientte-Just one moment if you please.

Bridgette-Do I really sound so Downtown Abbey?

Marinette-I don't know.I'm trying.Just...hide or something.

Miss Alya-(Shows her where to hide)

Bridgette-(follows her)

Marinette-(Goes to open the door)Okay.

Bridgette-Oh!Oh!Oh!(About to hide behind the sofa)

Bridgette-Oh!(removes her engagment ring) Here wear this.

Marinette-What?(Sees the ring and takes it from her and wears it)Oh.Okay.Just a minute.

Marinette-(Opens the door)

Prince Adrien-(Looks inside)Ah!There you are!

Marinette-Here I am.


Marinette-(Heres what she said and bows)Please do come in.

Prince Adrien-Might I say you look lovely in pink.

Marinette-Oh!And you look lovely as well.

Prince Adrien-(Looks at her)

Marinette-Not in...Not in know in general.Though I'm sure pink will be very becoming.(Looks behind the sofa from where she was standing)

Prince Adrien-I'll take that as a complement.(Looks behind him and at the sofa aswell and looks back at her)

Prince Adrien-I trust the accommodations are to your liking.

Marinette-Oh,yes,they're top drawer!(Looks at the sofa again)

Prince Adrien-(Looks at the sofa too and says) Yes.But is there a problem with the sofa?

Bridgette-(Smile fades and eyes widen)

Marinette-No.No,no,not at all.

Prince Adrien-You seem to keep staring at it.


Oh,well...I have a lazy eye.(Shows a wierd eye expression)

Prince Adrien-Oh.

Marinette-Yes.Un,no not all the time.Just when I get fatigued.

Bridgette-(Smile appears again)

Prince Adrien-Perhaps it's not your taste or not comfortable enough.(Walks towards the sofa)

Marinette-(Follows behind)Oh,no,no,it's very comfortable.Very comfortable indeed.(Goes ahead of him and sits on the sofa)

Bridgette-(Smile fades and eyes widen again)

Marinette-(Is sitting lazily on the sofa) In fact,I took a nap on it.Slept like a log.

Bridgette-(Thinking:What the hell a log?!!?)

Prince Adrien-A log?

Marinette-(Thinking-What the hell did I say!!) Yes,dear,a royal log.

Prince Adrien-(Shows an hmmm expression)

Marinette-It's an expression we have in Montenero.

Prince Adrien-A royal log?It's very quaint.

Marinette-Oh,well,we're a quaint,little country.(Stands up from the sofa)

Marinette-But I don't want to keep you from Spain.(Gestures him to the door)

Prince Adrien-Oh,yes,I.....I suppose I should be heading off.

Bridgette-(Smiles while Nodding)

Marinette-Yes,off you go.

Prince Adrien-(Walks to the door)

Marinette-(Follows to close the door)Oh,and do tell your driver to be carefull of pedestrians.and other road hazards.(Closing the door)

Prince Adrien-Road Hazards?

Marinette-(Closes the door and sighs) God! (Walks to the sofa)

Bridgette-(Comes out from Hiding) You were Brilliant.

Marinette-(scoffs)I don't know about brilliant.

Bridgette-Well,I do.With Adrien away to stuffy,old meetings,all you need to do is to stick to chatting about weather.

Marinette-If you say so.Okoy,nowthere is a sightseeing schedule in the back pocket of those jeans.All you need to do is follow it for the next few days.

Miss Alya-(Comes with marinette's stuff)

Bridgette-Right.Well,I suppose it's time.

Miss Alya-(Gives Marinette's stuff to Bridgette)

Bridgette-(Starts wearing them)

Marinette-(Looking at her) Well,good luck.

Bridgette-(Smiles)You too.And thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Marinette-(Smiles back and gives her hand for a handshake)

Bridgette-(Instead goes and hugs her)

Marinette-(Hugs Back)

Bridgette-(Breaks hug)

Marinette and Bridgette-(Nods saying goodbye)


Marinette and Miss Alya-(Smile at eachother)

Okay guys that's it for today I'll upload the next part soon!!So Bye Guys!!

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