💥Special Part !💥

Start from the beginning

Jin oppa ran to us and helped me to sit on the couch . Rithu ,richa were feeding milk to their babies and namjoon oppa was reading news in mobile , jin oppa sat beside me and started scrolling in his mobile . Yoongi oppa was tired from work so he is sleeping on ethu's lap while she was caressing his hair.  Hobi oppa and aria were busy taking pics of babies and their's  . Sara was sitting drinking coffee and jimin was checking emails from office . Jungkook and Olivia went out to bring groceries that I needed and others too.}

{ Author's pov }

Namjoon * looks at sai * : i think you will have to bare two babies princess !

Sai * confused * : Two ? What do you mean oppa ?

{ Namjoon points at tae who was busy caressing sai's stomach while giggling like a kid . All laughed at taehyung and tae became confuse }

Tae * confused * : what ? Why are y'all laughing at me ! * Pout *

Sai * chuckles * : you are right oppa he is a baby too ! Oh god how will I take care of this big baby ?

{ Again all laughed at tae and he pouted more }

Tae * pouts* : Jagiya don't tease me like that  !!!! I know you love me and you will bare me !!!! * Giggles *

Sai * jaw drop * : i should bare you but you will not change huh you big tiger i will kill you today !!!

{ Sai started tickling him while we all laughed at his funny face & . But soon she got weird feeling and  stopped tickling him.  Sai widened her eyes and screamed in pain }

Sai * screams * : ARGHHHHHHH

{ All flinched at the her screams . Just then jk and Olivia entered and widen their eyes . All panicked at first }

Tae * scared * : Bab-y what happened why are you screaming !!!!!


{ Tae widen his eyes and immediately jungkook and taehyung carried sai to car while Olivia bought everything they needed in hospital  and they  drove off while bodyguards also drove with them some in  front and some in back . Others locked the doors took their belongings and ran to cars then drove to hospital with bodyguards .}

Tae * tears * : Baby just a little more.  We will there soon.  Please be okay . Don't close your eyes!!! Look at me !!!

Sai * crying * : It hur-ts tig-er ple-ase mak-e it st-op .

Tae * hugged her from side while sobbing  * : Shhh its o-kay ba-by do-n't  wor-ry jus-t few min-s .

Olivia * tear up * : Unnie be strong it's okay please don't panic !  Bunny drive fast please !!!!

Jungkook * scared * : Iam driving fast just 2 mins we will be there !!!

{Soon they reached the hospital where girls are currently working . Jk ran inside and got the stecher and Olivia ran to receptionist . Tae and Jungkook helped sai to lay down on Stecher and ran inside doctor and nurses took sai to operation theater . Others soon entered while bodyguards protected them from news reporters and some papparazzi.  All waited outside the operation theater  while Tae was scared and others were comforting him . Olivia and aria started crying because they never saw sai screaming in pain  ! Girls were comforting them   . After 1 hour doctor came outside  . Immediately all ran to her and started aking questions   }

Tae :. How is she noona ? Is baby alright ???

Jk : what happened are noona and baby good ?

Olivia : unnie and baby are alright na !??

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