👶Parenting Pt. 2👶 [JinLia]

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Lia parked her car, waiting for her daughter to come out of her school. It was Friday, and Lia left her company early just to spend time with her daughter, Yuna. She felt bad because she doesn't have time for Yuna, and instead of using her time to rest, she obviously chose Yuna.

A few minutes passed, and Yuna came out with a big grin when she realized who's car was waiting for her. She opened the passenger seat and threw her bags at the back as she kissed her mom in the cheek.

"Hey sweetheart! How was school?"

"The same. Did great on all subjects, got praised, went to practice, got praised... again" Lia chuckled and pinched her daughters cheeks. "I left the company early just for you, and since you always do great, how about we go to the mall and buy some things for you?"

Yuna's eyes lit up and she excitedly nodded. They were jamming along to songs and singing along together in harmony. Oh how Lia missed spending time with her daughter like this. For her, this was her happiness.

A few minutes later they arrive at the mall. Hand in hand they entered together and went inside. Yuna wanted to go to the sports section, but Lia insisted they should take a bite first. Yuna thought this was a great opportunity to open up to her mom, because it's rare they even got to eat together and she just wants to talk.

"Mom" Lia hummed in response. "How was papa like?". Lia stopped eating her steak and froze at the question. All the terrible memories of her started to make her emotional and angry. She chuckled bitterly. "Mom will tell you about her someday sweetheart, but not right now, maybe when you're older." Though Yuna tried to smile, she couldn't understand why her mom would keep her other mom a big secret. All her mom ever told her is that she died before she was born due to a car crash.

They ate in silence and no one dared to start a conversation. It was awkward for the both of them because Lia knew her daughter wasn't satisfied with the answer she gave, and Yuna thinks she hurt her mom's feelings again.

They finished eating and walked towards the sports section. The out side seemed a little crowded than usual and there were guards blocking each entrance. Lucky for Yuna, her mom knows the owner and spoke to guards, another benefit of having a famous mom.

They were granted access and Yuna roamed the halls grabbing every item she can. Lia sat on the couch watching her daughter run around happily before she decided to check her emails. After checking for a while, someone called her name. It didn't sound like Yuna but someone familiar.

"Lia? Is that you?" She asked. Lia felt a cold shiver down her spine when she realized who was calling her. She looked up and there she saw, Shin Ryujin, wearing a black hoodie, a mask, and cap.


There was silence between them. Lia was furious at her but she can't cause a scene now, there's a lot of witnesses.

"What are you doing here?"

"I should be the one asking you that Lia" Lia rolled her eyes and stood up, attempting to walk away from Shin, but it was no use. Ryujin grabbed Lia's wrist and pulled her to an Aisle where no one can see them. It wasn't easy trying to escape Shin, she was a baseball player and she has good grip and strength. 

"What the hell are you doing Shin Ryujin!" Lia snapped. She couldn't bare to look at Ryujin the same way again after finding out the truth. "Can't you go be with your wife already?". She was sobbing, and Ryujin stood guilty. "Can you just leave me and my daughter alone? You've done enough damage already!"

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