pov: don't fall in love with Shigaraki Tomura

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pov: don't fall in love with Shigaraki Tomura
Alt. title: can the world cease to exist? pt.4
part 1, part 2, part 3
genre: fluff/ angst
warning:  depression content, PROCEED WITH CAUTION


❎Don’t fall in love with Shigaraki because he will love you simply for being you

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Don’t fall in love with Shigaraki because he will love you simply for being you.

He’ll learn about every sharp edge you have and he won’t be afraid of it. He’ll learn about every mistake you made in your past and you they won’t think much of who you used to be. He will think about who you are now.

The sight of Shigaraki standing by the foot of your bed makes your heart stop

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The sight of Shigaraki standing by the foot of your bed makes your heart stop. His lean body casts a long shadow in the room.  The hospital lights make his skin look almost translucent, and there are big wrinkled, dark circles under his carmine eyes. They're not dull but they glint like steel on knife.

He says your name. His voice is hoarse and strained.

You look around the room because you can't stand to look at him. But there's nothing to see but the darkness of the hospital room. It is way past visiting hours. No flowers but the scent of ethanol. It's not the place you imagined you'd die in. You can't die at this place. You can't die at all.

He repeats your name. This time his voice is louder, but it still sounds impossibly sore.

You blink back the tears that you can already feel building in your eyes. "Why?" Why save me? I wanted to.

"You didn't want to," he says. "I know you don't. And I won't allow you to. Live for me. Watch me destroy the hero society."

You jut your chin out and look him straight in the eye. His face is so pale, but still retains the ashen hue. The wrinkles seemed to multiply. He looks so fragile. "I can't be a coward, Shiggy."

He moves closer to the side of your bed but kept standing. As he got closer, you see how red and swollen his neck is. Scratches. "You don't get to. You don't. I found you. You don't want your life? Then, it's mine. Mine to take. Mine to keep."

All-For-One tells him that everything he has are taken away by the hero society. That eventually everything he has can be taken. That everything he is, he owes to All-For-One. Not you. You were his. You don't get to appear in his life and then disappear. You can't.

"I had to do it, Shiggy." You let out a heavy breath.

"But... I asked the doctor to make you a Nomu turtle. I was gonna name it for you."

"... what were you gonna name it?"


A tiny laugh escaped you. You lower your face so he can't see your eyes, pressing your chin against your chest. You suck in the sound of sobs, but the tears still flowed down in silence.

"Don't cry," he says. "Come here."

You don't move. "I'm the patient."

"Fine." He takes a deep breath and sat down in the chair next to the bed.

He puts his hand out and you grab it. His grip hurts you a little. And you know what he's asking of you. You feel everything. The painful, awful and terrible things. He lets you know you're alive.

And you want to be alive.

"You can't leave me," he manages to say.

"Don't say that," you whisper.

"Live for me until you've learned how to live for yourself again."

You were about to say something but then your eyes close and your breathing steadies. You've fallen asleep. He sat there awhile. Can't help it as he watches you sleep. He is... scared that if he took his eyes away from you, you're going to disappear.

Your chest rises and falls. You're alive. And it counts for him.
Don’t fall in love with Shigaraki because he is secretly a hopeless romantic and he will sweep you off your feet.

You and Shiggy are lying on his bed and he lent you his phone, wanting you to play a wholesome game about an old woman managing an old diner all by her own.

"So.. her husband's been dead this whole time?" Your voice cracked.

He nods.

"That's the end of the game?"

He nods.

"And you bought this game just for me to play?"

He nods, albeit reluctantly and he covers your face with his hand to avoid being seen flustered.

You giggled quietly and snuggled closer to him. You hear him saying unintelligible. "..hmm? Can you say it a little louder?"

"... gimme a kiss." He mumbles.

You don't even notice that he's been playing a song in the background this whole time. It was so muted that you can only hear it after really listening.

Don't kiss Shigaraki. He gets so... handsy ;)

You didn't expect Shigaraki to put their hands everywhere on your body while they're kissing you. They also like to kiss more than just your lips. . .they like to kiss parts of your body that can't be seen in public. You especially did not expect massages— something about you eliciting blissful moans under his touch feels flattering to Shigaraki.

He's not that preoccupied with kissing your lips, rather he just wants to get an idea of how soft your lips are, and then he would move to somewhere else. He'll kiss you on the cheek first, and then the neck, accidentally giving you a hickey. He looks proud at that and then, he would shower them with soft kisses. Crazy, passionate, soft and gentle. Those were the adjectivesto describe his kisses.

He nibbles on your ear. He nibbles on your throat. His hands would then just touch every part that he could. He would trail his fingers on your skin with ghost-like pressure and out of nowhere, he'll press hard. He switches it up, chuckling to himself whenever he surprises you. He swallows your yelp as he goes in for another kiss.

"Cute." says Shigaraki, staring at the masterpiece of a blush on your cheeks, after being subjected to his curiosity.


I offer you fluff-able Shiggy.


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