Arc 2 Chapter 1 - Time Bomb

Start from the beginning

"If I had to guess, it would have something to do with Sudou."

"Sudou? What about him?"

"He was called out by Chiyabashira at the end of class. She even rescheduled his basketball training for him. Whatever it was, was important. While I can't say for sure it has anything to do without points, it's the only other odd occurrence today, and so it would make sense."

"Huh. I hadn't even thought of that. So that idiots gone and lost our points again!?" A bit of an overreaction but hard not to assume so when you hate them.

"Not necessarily, it's just conjecture."

"You think weirdly, Ayanokouji. You're not normal."

"Obviously. You already knew that though." It was a strange thing to comment on.

"I guess. I'm more frustrated that the point gap got bigger. Like, how is it fair! Our class are literally the dumbest people ever!"

"I thought you didn't care about reaching Class A, Kushida?" It was strange, she had never expressed much of a desire or interest in reaching it, so why mention it.

"I mean, not really. I don't particularly care about the 100% guarantee, that's not why I came here." Interesting, that was an unexpected revelation. Something else to investigate but not now.

"Mostly, I just think it would be cool to be in the best class in the grade. I could definitely be friends with everyone then!" A grin from her façade showed at this, which clearly showed her lie. Or at least a partial truth, because I'm fairly certain she meant what she said, to an extent at least.

"Mm. It is a strange system isn't it."

"I guess. But hey, what is wrong with Horikita! No matter how many times someone contacts her she never checks her messages! Seriously shes..." And she was off again, back to ranting. What an insane swap she could produce.

It was no surprise this topic had come up, because Kushida had confronted Horikita, or as much of a confrontation as an angel can do, about this topic earlier this afternoon.

In any case, it seemed her interest in the missing class points was over for now. Slowly, the air filled up with more and more obscenities and hate, as Kushida properly relaxed for the first time in a few days.

She really made life interesting.


The next morning, just as Chiyabashira was about to leave homeroom she assaulted us with one of her infamously brief and off-hand announcements. It seemed her life goal was to antagonise and attack Class D. She and I would be good friends in the future, I felt.

"I have an announcement for you all. There was a bit of trouble the other day, an incident between the student sitting there, Sudou, and some students from Class C. In short, there was a fight."

The classroom erupted. Depending on the degree of responsibility that Class C saddled him with, Sudou could face suspension, and we might see a reduction in our class points. Chiyabashira laid the whole situation bare for the class. Her face was so devoid of emotion or interest when she spoke that there was a certain serene beauty to it. She inserted no personal bias whatsoever when she addressed the class and explained the situation from a position of neutrality.

"Umm. So why hasn't this issue been resolved already?" Hirata asked a rather reasonable question.

"The complaint came from Class C. They claim that the fight was one-sided. However, when we spoke to the accused, Sudou said that their claims were false. He insists that the students Class C called him over and started the fight."

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