Part 1 Chapter 2.5 Plans in Motion II

Start from the beginning

Plan Four

Riding a short distance forward from the Carabiniers, Anders found himself in the combined command post for 1st and 2nd battalions. If one was to describe Berthier FarRoads in one word, the word would be “solid”. Though cadets were required to shave daily when not on campaign, FarRoads stubble was on its way to becoming a respectable beard despite being it being only the second day of the Hex skirmish. Though he was in regulation as far as his uniform was concerned, his unruly dark black hair would not have passed even the most lax drill sergeant’s muster. The large Metal Affinity Captain of the foot, the Battalion Chief for the 3rd Royal Line Regiment / 1st to 2nd Battalions, and now acting Lord of Muskets since Anders was acting Marshall, had his arms crossed and was gruffly awaiting their arrival in front of the CP tent.

“RockShield, TrueMatch,” he nodded. “Was expecting you.” He held his arms behind his back and stood at parade rest, awaiting orders, a look in his eyes that said “awaiting orders”.

Anders dismounted and waved his cartographer officer to dismount as well. Noble was receiving the reports from the stream of dragoons and giving follow up orders to be sent off by their replacement. “Are these locations for 1st through 4th battalions accurate?”

FarRoads studied the disposition map and called over his Aide-de-Camps and conferred with them. “From the reports I have received from BrightHand, the 4th is farther forward north then you have them noted.” FarRoads pointed to the general location of the Battalions in the center and right flank. They had moved out in the standard order of battle, 1st holding the extreme right flank, the 2nd disposed to the left of it, and so on and so forth. Since the fighting had been extremely light and infrequent except on the left flank, most of the battalions were still in their original positions. Anders called Noble over.

Noble signaled to his dragoons and walked over. FarRoads gave Noble an amiable yet terse nod: he had gained FarRoads hard to win respect after Noble’s dragoons had pulled FarRoad’s 1st from an especially nasty pinch in the last season’s Hex skirmishes. “Berthier, how are you holding up here?”

“Could do with a little more roughing up if you ask me. PressHill had the 1st awarded with plumes for their last action, haven’t yet had the chance to let the boys prove that they deserve it.” FarRoads cockaded plume was notably absent from his tricorn.

“I come bearing gifts then,” Noble said. “Are you prepared to execute in oblique order? Not just your battalion, I’m giving you provisional command of 2nd and BrightHand’s 3rd as well.”

“Not 4th?”

“I’m giving 4th a special task that will require Lawrence’s special attention. Oh, and he will need the companies of voltigeurs attached to the 1st through 3rd battalions.”

“Done.” Berthier FarRoads was the embodiment of infantry mentality: tell me what to do, point me where to go. “Will BrightHand be needing an abundance of sharp shooters soon?”

Noble just grinned, and grabbed Ander’s ADC to point at the map. “Send the three battalions forward, 3rd the leading element , 2nd a battalion width behind, 1st the same behind. You will need to clear Hendericks skirmishers out so LoveCross’ carabiniers can pass through behind you undetected. It is imperative that the Hostrians do not know that our heavy cavalry elements have moved, understand?”

Another nod. “Anything else?”

“Yes, of your five remaining companies per battalion, I want you to move in mixed columns north from the hill. Keep a frontage of line, but make your columns ready to move west on my command.”

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2015 ⏰

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