"Life isn't quite what I thought I'd be..."

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(A/N: The Hannah in this story is not Hannahxxrose, I based it off the song "Saline Solution" because I misheard "fixing myself up with a girl named Panadol," as "fixing myself up with a girl named Hannah-doll" so here ya go lol)

"Okay, fine, but I'm not drinking!" Wilbur sighed, shoving a beanie over his fluffy light-brown hair.

The night was still young, a brisk autumn breeze whipped through the city. And his three best friends were begging him to go to a party the night before classes started.

"Wil, no offense but we've all seen you down a bottle of vodka because you lost a game of GeoGuessr, besides, Niki's already agreed to be designated driver," Schlatt sighs at his friend.

"This is an absolutely awful idea, you know we're all gonna get hungover and it's gonna be absolute torture tomorrow," he grabs his jacket off the small hook on his dorm wall.

"Fine, you don't have to drink, we're just saying that it's the last night of summer before we have to be functioning adults," Hannah sighs.

"Fine," Wilbur laughs.

Hannah was the only girl in the world, besides Niki on occasion, who could get through to him. She had sweetest hazel eyes and caramel hair. Wilbur had been in love with her since they were seventeen, of corse, since she was so beautiful, she always had a boyfriend.

"Come on, by the time we get there they're gonna be boring!" Niki laughs.

"I said I'm coming!" Wilbur replies, and the four rush out the door.
Schlatt had been right, it didn't take long for Wilbur to get drunk...granted, Schlatt and Hannah had gotten drunk first, but still, it was a new record.

Hannah had ran off a little while ago with Niki and a few other girls their age to go do Karaoke somewhere nearby.

"So, you drunk enough to finally ask Shmamma, out?" Schlatt teases, propping himself up on a table.

"Ugh, if I know her she'll just end up with some douchebag at the end of the night and when they break up I'll be left to console her, and she'll tell me I'm such a good friend and ask why she can't ever get a guy like me," Wilbur rants.

"That's rough..." Schlatt sighs, taking another sip out of his cup.

"Yeah," Wilbur leans back on the table too.

The music and the people were getting too loud. The room felt stuffy and awkward.

"Should we go find them, I'm ready to get home," Schlatt blubbers.

"We've been here for like a half hour," Wilbur laughs

"Oh, so now he doesn't want to leave," Schlatt teases.

"Fuck off, I'm going to find them," Wilbur sighs.
The karaoke place was only around the corner, and it wasn't hard to spot either.

The flashing pink neon sign with bad eighties music and even worse singing? What else could it be?

Walking in, he found Niki and some unknown girl, laughing and poorly singing to some song he couldn't place.

When the song ended he made his way over to her.

"Hey, have you seen Hannah?" Wilbur asked.

"Oh my god you're such a simp," Niki laughed, "yeah, she was over there with some guy,"

Niki gestured vaguely around a corner to where signs were pointing to a snack bar.

"Thanks," Wilbur nodded and made his way over.

It didn't take long to find her.

But when he did, he stopped cold in his tracks.


He knew he'd be right, but he didn't think he'd be right this soon.

She was making out with this random guy.

He was Disney-Prince handsome. he had a sharp jawline, and his hair was curly, dark brown, almost black, and his face was flushed, and he smirked, in such a way that it mad Wilbur feel something he'd never felt towards one of Hannah's boyfriends...what was it? Jealousy? No, he'd felt that plenty of times. Anger? Guilt? That was it...guilt that he didn't speak up sooner...maybe...

"Oh," Hannah giggled, "this is Jared, Jared this is Wilbur, he's my friend, don't worry though, he's never had a girlfriend in his life,"

Jared glanced over at Wilbur, and it stopped any remaining function his brain.

Nope, definitely anger.

He wanted to pin Jared down on the floor and punch his teeth in.

With Jared's icy cold stare, Wilbur felt he wanted to do just the same.

"Hannah, go fuck yourself, have him take you home," Wilbur muttered, and started off to go find Niki to drive him and Schlatt home.

Of Corse I've Met Jaredحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن