𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝓉𝓌𝑜: God's playing favorites-

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    I wake up laying on the ground, a doctor had his hands out. It was glowing?

I heard whispering and my mom's worrying words. She was praying I think.

The doctor chanted some words, but I just began to feel worse.

"Nghh.. It hurts even more..." I groan.

My vision was still blurry but I trywd sitting up.

"How long was I out? Cause it doesn't seem long since I'm still on the ground."

My mom starts hugging me, "Kazan! I was so worried!"

Who?- Oh, your my step mother.

"M-mom? Jesus I can't see.. Uhm..?"

"Are you alright honey?" My vision starts getting clearer, "..."

"I guess? I mean, when I went to go wash up, I felt like I was gonna have a heart attack but I think it's gone now so-"

"Honey, what's a "Heart attack"?"

"Uhhh-, my heart was beating so fast I felt like it was going to explode?"

She looks at me shocked and looks at the doctor, nodding her head. She looks back at me, "Honey, we think you have l'Illusion Morne."

"Huh..? What is that?" I say, I am so stupid, I should've said something like, 'Oh noo, I can't believe I have that' and then search about it in books.

"It's a disease that people gain, but its very rare and there is no cure.. People who have this disease die early..."

I don't think I've ever been happier before. "Really..? I can't believe I have it.."

She looks at me shocked and worryingly, "Honey,"


"Why are you smiling..?"


I lay in my bed, imagining senerios in my head, because I can and reality sucks.

I was just tired mentally, I couldn't get up.

I close my eyes, then the next second I see the angel from before.


Their hands cover my mouth, muffling my screams.

"Shut!- Quiet! I'm hear to warn you or whatever!-"

Wait, this isn't the angel from before. The other angel had voice's overlapping, but this one just had one clear voice.

"Who are you!? You're not, the other angel.." I already forgot the other angels name.

"Yeah, I'm Lia. An angel or whatever." This angel sounds rude..

"I'm here to guide you and stuff. Think of me as your guardian angel." They say.

"I already want to switch."

They look at me annoyed. "Whatever.." They mumble under their breath.

"So, what are you doing here?" I say.

They sigh, "Since you won't do anything, I was sent down here. Also, I'm here to tell you that-"

"God damnit! Why can't I just be alone in darkness for 1 minute without being disturbed!-"

"You've been in here for, at least 2 days."

"... Well shit-"

"Just shut up and listen. There's a reason for your bleeding and Nausicaa."

I look at them confused, so I was suffering for a reason?! Assholes..

She starts talking, "It's to help you gain your memories from the last owner of your body."

"So that's why I saw that.." I start getting pissed.

"So you're telling me, the villain of the story has trauma?! How could you-"

"It was out of our reach, if he didn't-"

"NO! You can't let a child go through that! He was like, 5!" I couldn't control my anger.

I sigh, "This is annoying.. Can you like, leave now? Since you told me what I need to know?"

"I-" They look away.

"I can't really, leave.." they look down.

"Are you serious?"

"I-I can shapeshift and do other things so I'm not completely useless, I guess.."

Why did I die, I'm regretting my choices.

"I'll go outside if you leave me alone, so leave cause I'm doing it right now. Actually, stay here and don't cause ANY problems."

They nod excessively.

I walk into my closet and change into comfortable clothes.

I get a pouch so I could possibly see if I could get materials of some sort.

I walk out my door, 'Should I go on a walk? I'd rather have some exercise.'

I walk towards a gate, where there were guards. Maids were there chatting with the guards.

"And he spat out blood! It was so worrying for his Mother! I feel so bad for her.."

'Ah... So, they're talking about me.' I continue walking, ignoring them.

They all get startled and actually start doing they're jobs.

"G-good evening, Sir..." The guards spoke.

"Good evening," I yawned. I continued walking, I had nothing to do, so might as well explore a bit.

Surprisingly, no one tries stopping me. However, I somehow felt someone following me...

I continued walking, but started speeding up.

I began hearing their footsteps, but it quickly faded away.  'Did they stop? Or are they using magic?'

I felt uneasy.

I walked far enough to the point I saw a town. It was a lovely town. The people seemed nice and everyone seemed happy.

I started walking around town, feeling a bit more calm. The air was fresh and fulfilling.

I sat down at a bench, my legs were sore and tired. And I began resting myself.

I looked around, 'I wonder what type of book or game I'm in. It's possible I'm in a Otome game.'

Then I suddenly had an amazing idea, 'That angel, they should know about this world! Although, I shouldn't rely on them too much.'

"AUGH!" I ruffle my hair in frustration. Somehow, no one was near to hear my complaining.

"Why does god hate me so much... I just wanted to live my life, well, can't really say that..."

I sigh, getting up and continuing my walk.

"Wait... I literally saw a bunch a people before, where did they go?!" I start panicking and run.

Who knows where, I just started running. Of course, I could've been running into my impeding doom, but why would I care?

I grit my teeth and start booking it towards wherever.


"Hah.. Hah.. Hah..." I ran into the middle of nowhere. Now I've done it.


"Woah, watch the hand buddy."

I look up to see someone standing before me, "Hu-huh..?"

They caught up to me?! How did I not see them-

I fall back, scared. "Who- who're you?!"

"Haha! Just a traveler passing by, I just happened to see you."

He had dark hair, it was brown-ish. And he had light blue eyes. He looked stunning with a thin but muscley physique.

"N-no way.."


And that's the end of this chapter. How you enjoyed<3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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