Chapter Eight just because you're forgotten that don't mean you're forgiven

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July bled into August slowly. Summer break felt as if it would never end. Tora filled his time with Toman and Y/n. His friends and girlfriend made up for every sour thing he had ever experienced. Despite blocking out most of his childhood his skin still crawled with goosebumps occasionally when he would walk through his front door. His heart stopped so he could listen to the footsteps coming down the hallway towards his bedroom door. Sometimes eating dinner with his mother made him sick, and he'd take his meal into his room instead. His moods shifted like a tide, occasionally coming down in waves. His happiness was extreme, his sadness the lowest of the lows. Happy families triggered rage inside of him. He'd feel depressed whenever he felt as if his friends were leaving him behind. His anxiety rose if his girlfriend didn't answer his calls right away. A broken mind can glue itself back together however it becomes fragile, easier to break. Unbeknownst to anyone in his life including himself, Kazutora would soon fall apart at the seams.

"Mikey's birthday is coming up," Y/n sat across from Kazutora on her bedroom floor. She was organizing the pictures she had taken of their summer so far. A picture of Toman in front of the convenient store dressed in their uniforms. Kazutora kissing Y/n's cheek at the summer festival, in the background was fireworks and Baji making a 'throw up' face. Mikey fast asleep in a restaurant booth while Kazutora and Baji scribbled marker on his face. The aftermath of Mikey waking up to kick the both of them. Mitsuya and Draken flexing their arms while mounting their bikes. Y/n pretending to drive Tora's bike. The double date to the movies Kazutora and Y/n took with Pah-chin and his crush from school. She was decorating and pinning the photos and magazine clippings all to a board she wanted to hang up next to her bedroom door.  She wanted to see her all of friends before she left her room for the day.

"I convinced my mom to help me make a Dorayaki shaped cake. What're you going to get him?" Kazutora was fiddling a yellow marker in between his fingers, "I don't know yet," he had been thinking hard about what to get Mikey because he wanted the present to be perfect. "What do you think I should get him?" Y/n stopped what she was doing to think hard. He loved the face she made whenever she was concentrating, hoping she wouldn't come up with an answer so she could stay like that a little longer. "Hmm, maybe all you guys can pitch in and get him a bike. He's still riding around on that dinky moped." They both laughed hard, picturing Mikey puttering in front of all the guys on his 'Street Hawk'. "We can't do that." Kazutora laid down, stretching out his long limbs and put his hands behind his head, "I doubt we'd even be able to get that kind of cash. The only way guys our age get bikes is if we get one handed down to us by someone older."
"Ugh, that sucks." Y/n let her mind continue searching for a present Tora could get Mikey until she noticed the mischievous smirk forming across his face. He turned to her, his eyes sparkling, "Or we steal one." Y/n was used to comments like this from her boyfriend. He was constantly cooking up trouble to get himself into. Most of the time Kazutora would just act on impulse. If he talked outloud about his idea he rarely went through with it. She deadpanned, "You can't steal a bike Tora." He belly-laughed and looked away from her, "Yeah, yeah, yeah I know. I won't alright?" He looked back towards her but she looked skeptical, "I don't even know where I'd find the one Mikey wants." It eased Y/n's mind and she giggled, getting back to her project. But the sparkle in his eyes never faded and he planted the idea deep into his mind. His immediate goal was to locate a CB250T for Mikey.

It took Kazutora three days to find the bike and figure out S.S. Motor's operating hours. When the sun finally set on August 13th, he dressed himself in all black and called Baji. "Get ready I'm picking you up."
"Where are we going this time?" Baji asked from the back of the bike as they rode down the still busy streets. The ride seeming to be meaningless. "Well Mikey's birthday is coming up. We're going shopping for a present for him." Kazutora brought Keisuke to the shop he had been scoping, right in the front window sat a custom CB250T. Tora laid out the plan to his partner in crime, going into further detail on how they would steal the bike while they sat across from each other in a diner. Keisuke had questions and doubts, but he followed Kazutora. The two waited until the lights were off and the shutters down at the bike shop. Baji was full of anxious chaos, unsure and hesitant. Tora was cool, calm, and collected. "You wanna see Mikey happy right? This is the way. It's his dream bike!" Picturing their gang's commander leading their way into battle on that bike, along with his friend's calm demeanor, Baji mustered up the courage to join in on the plan. The two quickly and quietly breaking in through the back. They worked fast at snapping the lock, and Kazutora went in the back to open up the shutters. Baji's nerves were gone, his excitement taking over as he realized the plan was actually going to work. That was until the shop's owner emerged; Keisuke recognizing Sano Shinchiro but it was too late. Tora had already bludgeoned the side of Shinchiro's head with their heavy chain cutter.
"This is Mikey's older brother!" Baji sobbed, his tears thick and voice choking.

Kintsugi: the golden repair //  Hanemiya Kazutora x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant