Eventually Avengers staff corralled and cajoled everyone from their merry reunions into the large conference room, press at the ready. The head of PR made some announcements about new internship opportunities, new volunteer projects, new services offered to those affected by Avengers-level events. When she finally introduced Natasha and Steve, you joined them behind the podium, stomach in your throat. This was the moment.

"Many of you have seen footage of the newest Avenger's heroic rescue of one of our very own at the Power America plant in Raymond, Kansas," said Steve. You had prepared your own short speech, but you had no idea what he was meant to say. You'd spent relatively little time with him, and while it was the most appropriate for him to give your introduction, you had no idea what to expect.

"Her abilities were new, and special, her countenance showed initiative and courage. We offered her a chance to train with us, we offered her a position on our team. She's spent the last few months learning everything we could teach her - honing her enhanced abilities, learning combat, strategy, and even piloting lessons from our very own Sam Wilson," he paused for a moment, a master of commanding a room with his words, "Today It is my honor to present the newest member of the Avengers team...." Another pause, and he looked at you with an inscrutable expression.

"You know, there's a lot in a name. They mean something, they hold power, they hold value. It may seem ironic to you that the moniker of our newest member comes from the same reason the Avengers were formed in the first place. But I believe in second chances. I believe in new beginnings. I believe we all have the capacity to change and evolve. And for that reason I'm happy to have Lady Loki as part of the Avengers team."

There was a round of applause, and you were given the microphone. You knew you had a statement queued up on the teleprompter, but you were left speechless. You took a moment to make eye contact with Loki, tucked away in the back of the room, a complicated cloud of emotions showing in his face.

"Um... I'd like to thank the Avengers for taking me metaphorically, and sometimes quite literally under their wings," you paused for a polite laugh from the crowd, beginning to follow the teleprompter. Next you were supposed to read through a clean and canned promise to do your best for Earth's mightiest heroes. A perfectly polished PR statement. But it felt hollow after Rogers' moving deviation.

"I— I once asked Natasha to trust me. She didn't have much of a choice, but I told her that I trusted her and I asked her to do the same. And that's the promise I make to everyone, to all of you, too. I trust the Avengers. Not just because I've gotten to know them these past few months, but as a citizen of Earth, I learned to trust them to protect us, as I'm sure have all of you.

But the contract goes both ways, and I'm suddenly aware of that, being on this side of the podium. We can't keep going without knowing that the work continues after we're gone. We need to believe in all of you to do the right thing, just as much as you believe in us. We need to believe in each of you to be kind to each other. We need to believe in you to look for solutions to the problems we can't solve on our own. We need to believe in you to foster a planet worth saving.

And I do believe in you. And I promise I always will. I promise to always have as much faith in the collective citizens of Earth as I have for my new teammates. And I hope, in time, that all of you can come to have faith in me too. To protect this planet, to protect my home, and to protect its people. To Avenge those who have been wronged.

Thank you."

A moment of silence before clapping, the speech not being what the audience was expecting.

The floor was opened up to questions, and you were happy to have Natasha take the podium to answer, your heart racing, unsure that you did the right thing.

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