"Fine," you relented with a huff, "That does make it more interesting."

You dusted yourself off and walked a few paces away from him to ready yourself. You bent your knees and lowered yourself slightly, trying to remember your lover's advice. Your plan was to keep low and nimble, fully focusing on the momentum of your body. You bounced lightly on the balls of your feet - I've got this - a tiny pep talk before raising your sticks and charging towards him.

Two blinks later and you were on your back, and both of your sticks were now in Loki's hands.

"Damn it! I didn't even see you move!"

"Tsk, tsk darling. Disarmed AND prone. Looks like I win this round."

"No. Let's go again. I've got more in me," your sides and rear were smarting from the fall but you weren't giving up, you didn't have it in you to quit now.

Loki beamed at you with his fullest smile - the kind that took up his whole face. You lived for that look. Those expressions you never saw him use with anyone else. Had he ever used that smile with Thor? You wondered. Probably not in a long time, at least. Even if you couldn't hit him, that smile was worth it.

You decided on a different tactic. Every time you swung at him he spun away, so you would feint a lunge and change direction last minute to catch him in a turn. You charged, but he dodged in the opposite direction from what you anticipated, throwing off your balance, and giving him the opportunity to once again flip you on your back.

"Nice try. You're noticing patterns, that's good, that's very good. But your attacks are still too obvious." Loki helped you to your feet and you dug in again - determined to get it right this time.

You didn't though. You didn't get it right that day. You fell, and got up, and dusted yourself off over and over and over, until both your skin and your ego were starting to bruise. You were on the verge of whining again, from exhaustion, frustration, and hunger when you noticed something was different - Loki's stance had become more tense, his movements less casual, and he was freely using both hands that were no longer kept stuffed in his pockets. Progress, you thought, as your lover's weight shifted, and you were once again knocked on your back and pinned against the ground by Loki's weight and arms.

"Okay, I give up for today. You win Loki. You win," you were breathless and sore and ready for a shower, "You can get off me."

"But the view from here is just too lovely," he said, barely having broken a sweat, and leaned down to kiss your dirt-streaked cheek, "But I'll take my victory with grace and pride, and claim my prize when we get home."

"Not here?" You dared, "This open field seems like a perfect place."

"Oh, you've become quite the exhibitionist. Is this my bad influence?" He helped you up and pulled you into him, cupping your ass, "Thor's already caught us once, but what would the witches say?"

Your cheeks went hot and then you choked out a laugh.

"Darling, we've been caught by them too, and I got quite the lecture this morning. It really must be your bad influence," you kissed his cheek once, gently, "Let's go home. I'll indulge you in your prize there."

You walked back hand in hand, and soon you had eaten, showered, and generally felt less bruised. Your sores and scrapes seemed less tender in the warmth of your cozy home. It had been a long and taxing day, one of many you knew, but it was such an incredible opportunity. Disbelief at the current circumstances of your life kept giddily rising up in you. And Loki. He was being so supportive in his own stupid, swaggering way.

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