According to Plan

Start from the beginning

The revenge needs to be as personal as the insult. He had crushed your friend's potential. Her faith in herself. Her ability to trust. Her ability to love. These things were irreplaceable.

"Think of the danger that could pose. And are they all super-strong? What about longevity? If allowed to breed they could out-populate humans in a generation."

For justice to be served, Elias needed something irreplaceable taken from him in turn. He needed to lose something that he could never get back. But what, exactly, was irreplaceable to a billionaire?

"They're Thor's people though. Don't we at least owe him a little piece of our planet since he's helped save it? Twice?"

"Speak of the god..."

With a crack and significant fanfare from Elias's staff, it appeared that the God of Thunder himself had indeed joined the party. Although not an unexpected member of the guest list, the presence of any Avenger at these functions was cause for excitement. The crowd shifted in his direction. Normally you would be just as eager to lay eyes on your favorite hero. He had a reputation for being fun at parties and his off-world stories were entertaining beyond belief. However, after a moment of consideration, you realized that this could be the perfect distraction. If you slipped away now, no one would notice your absence for for a good long time. Granted, in LA, that could mean mere minutes... but still the draw of a god wasn't so passé that it shouldn't buy you a chunk of time to at least find an expensive vase to smash and still get away clean.

Maybe Step 1 should have been "Learn how to avenge better". In that case, Thor would have been a great person to talk to... several days ago.

You slipped into the glass house, through a short hall, and down the stairs into the basement. You had been to this property enough times on business to be familiar with its layout. The upper floors of the structure were for living and entertaining - glass exteriors and minimal walls projected an image of transparency - that Elias was an open book - welcoming and sin free. That he was just like his brand, a gleaming marvel of industry.

The basement, however, was where his real business took place. Built into the side of the mountain, the basement had few windows, and solid paneled walls. Beautiful in its own way, full of rich wood and brass inlay, it looked like a state-of-the-art Bond villain lair. More like a vault than anything else, you had the sense that this basement kept secrets.

The stairs landed in a small office. You'd been in this office many times- perfectly suited to drinking brandy, smoking cigars, and making back-door handshake deals with Elias's business partners. In the center of the room was a comfortable set-up of low cushioned chairs, cocktail tables, and sleek mahogany desk.
You bee-lined for the desk. It had to have something. Something useable. Blackmail? Maybe. That would be clean, you thought. Or a secret button to a secret compartment that held secret Chitauri tech? You hoped and prayed that something incriminating existed down here.

After a few minutes of rifling through every drawer, and scanning every surface of the desk with your fingers for a secret button, your confidence in your blackmail plan and your avenging abilities was dipping incredibly low. You turned to search the walls and found yourself confronted by a small gallery wall and one painting particular. While you were sure, with the amount of smoking that went on in that room, that none of these paintings could be particularly valuable, this one was incredibly arresting. You had seen it before, but had never stopped to appreciate it. The image was awash in dramatic baroque-like details, bright hi lights, and moody shadows and intricately gilded details in gold foil. It depicted three viking ships surging over monstrous waves towards a looming icy blue figure. It had a quality that was at once cartoonish and also lifelike, much like a vivid dream. And... was it a trick of the eyes? You were fatigued in this low basement light, but you could swear that the image was subtly moving. It was mesmerizing.

According to Plan (A Loki x Reader Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now