Twister County

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Lee is a storm chaser who lives in liver county, known as twister county because of all the tornadoes that happen there. The main city is where all Twister County citizens get their weather, in FairField. Lee woke up at 10:00 am, got out of bed, and got ready for the day to chase a tornado.

After getting ready, Lee waited in the parking lot of the FairField Weather Department for his fellow storm chasers. After a few minutes, Lee's fellow storm chasers arrived. Dale, Charlie, and Dex arrived. "You guys ready?" Lee asked. Everybody nodded, then got into their cars. Lee could see a huge dark cloud in the distance, there was no tornado yet, only a tornado watch and severe thunderstorm warning. The storm was currently in Coalfell. Lee had a hotspot with him so he could always look at the radar and other things during storm chasing.

When the team arrived in Coalfell, they could all hear high winds from inside their vehicles, Lee then looked at his computer again.


Tornado watch

Severe Thunderstorm Warning

High Winds Warning

It was hailing, there were wind gusts of 60 mph. Lee could hear Charlie speak on the radio. "I've spotted an EF1 tornado near the apartment complex" "We are coming your way," Dale said. Lee started to head for the apartment complex. The tornado sirens were blaring with the howling wind. A powerline fell in front of Lee, he then slammed on the brakes, backed up, then moved around the line. After 5 minutes, Lee finally caught up with the team. "The tornado is heading for the town of Silato," Dex said over the radio. Lee started to record his chasing. The tornado only got stronger, it got to the strength of an EF2 tornado. The group was currently offroad. Trees started to appear. The tornado ripped through them, blasting them at the group. The group then swerved around the trees to avoid getting hit. The wind gusts were so strong it felt like they would blow the group away. When the group finally arrived in Silato, the tornado started to weaken and the winds. "Severe storm is over," Lee said. It was still storming, but it was not severe anymore. Lee looked at his radar. There were only a few storms, but no tornadoes. The group called it a day and headed back to the FairField Weather Department. "That was a decent storm," Lee said. "Yeah," Dex said "First EF2 tornado of the week, and it's Tuesday," Dale said. Usually in Liver County, EF2 tornadoes happen right at the beginning of the week. "I'm gonna take a nap after this for a job well done," Lee said.

When the group arrived back at their apartments, they went back inside to take a nap.

When Lee got into his apartment, he looked at his watch for the time: it was 12:17 PM. he then went to his couch, turned on the TV, and drifted to sleep.

The sky rumbled loudly, and Lee woke up. He looked at his watch: it was 3:30 PM. He got off the couch, pulled out his phone, and looked at the weather.

Severe Thunderstorm Watch

For Liver county. The locations are Fairfield, Coalfell, Silato, Trimar, Acago.

Lee put his phone back in his pocket, then went to his kitchen to eat lunch. While Lee made a sandwich, it started hailing, and he could hear a nearby thunderstrike. After eating lunch, Lee's phone went off, so he took it out.

Severe Thunderstorm warning

For Liver County. The locations are Fairfield, Coalfell, Silato, Trimar, Acago. Winds of up to 30 mph are possible, as well as hail, and wind gusts of up to 50 mph, the weather team has spotted a funnel with this cloud. High winds could damage trees and powerlines. If you see a downed power line, report it to the utility company.

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