"How bout, the park." She said with a smile on her face. "Ok, to the park it is," Freya said. I pulled out of the driveway into the direction of the park. We had 15 minutes left until we were at the park. Luna ended up falling asleep halfway through the car ride, which the ride is only 30 minutes.

 Freya put a blanket on her just incase she got cold. We arrived at the park, I gently shook her wake. "Luna get up we're here" she slowly woke up. I unbuckled her and placed her on the ground so she can walk.

The first thing she wanted to do is go on the swing. "Aunty Bekah swings," She said pointing to the swings. "Ok let's go sweet girl," I said carrying her to the swings. I put her in one of he baby swing since she was to small to fit into a normal swing.

 I push her and she giggled we did that for about 10 minutes until she was done. "Aunty Bekah I wanna go on the slide now please," Luna said putting her arms in the air for me to take her out. When I did she ran right over to the slide. I went over to the bench where Freya was sitting. 

"She has a lot of energy," I nodded. "Don't worry it would wear off," I said. "Well remember that we still have a party to get to," Freya pointed out. "Don't worry she can sleep in the car," I waved off. I looked over to here Luna was she was climbing on the monkey bars but I also saw the Marcel.

"Bex what's wrong?" Freya asked apparently seeing my face. "Marcel is here we have to go now," I said. I got up to get Luna. "Luna sweetie let's go home," I said. Luna jumped of the monkey bars and I grabbed her hand and walked to the car where Freya was waiting.

I opened the door and put Luna in her car seat and gave her tablet. I climbed into the passenger's side and Freya got into the drivers side and we left. We made it home. I grabbed Freya grabbed Luna, before we walked into the house I told Luna to close her eyes. 

She did as she's told Freya picked her up so she won't bump into anything, and took her upstairs. I walked downstairs and saw the boys putting up decorations, it was funny because Kol was yelling at Nik and Elijah and telling them they weren't putting them in the right spot. 

He was right they weren't putting things in the right spot. "Kol that's my job, but he's right you put that in the wrong spot," I said making myself known. "Rebekah thank the gods you are here. Can you help them decorate because they don't know what they are doing?" Kol said with a little anger in his voice. I laughed a little and said "Sure."

Kol's Pov
"Rebekah thank the gods you are here. Can you help them, because they don't know what they are doing?" I said with a little anger in my voice. "Sure" she said as she laughed a little. "Thank you" I replied with a slight smile.

I walked to Luna's room to see her playing with her new toys. "Daddy!" She said as she looked up and ran into my arms. That always made me smile whenever she did that. "How was the park with Aunty Bekah and Aunty Freya?"

 "It was fun I got lots of candy," she said with excitement on her face. "Well don't eat all that candy your tummy will hurt. Are ready to go downstairs?" She nodded and we walked downstairs. 

We into the dining room where we put all her favorite foods and a her birthday cake. Her face began to lit up as she saw everything. "Happy birthday my little moon," I said to her "Thank you daddy!" She said as she hugged my neck and gave me a kiss on the cheek.

We sat next Nik and Elijah. Nik handed her a small box, "Happy birthday, Luna" she opened the box and it was a necklace with a moon charm. "Thank you, Uncle Klaus. Daddy can you put it on for me?" She asked so sweetly. "Of course darling." I took the necklace and clasped it around her neck.

" I took the necklace and clasped it around her neck

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A few moments later there was a knock at the door. I went to go open it only to see Marceluss. "How can I help you Marceluss?" I asked with a smug look on my face. "I came to see the littlest Mikaelson," he replied with a smirk. "I don't know what you are talking about," I replied.

"Don't play dumb Kol, I saw Freya and Rebekah with a little girl today and I figured she belonged to one of you," He replied with the same smirk on his face. "So can I come in?" He asked as he tried to come in, I stood in his way.

 "No you cannot come in," I said as anger started to pour out of me. "Kol who was at the door?" Nik asked as he came toward me. He stopped in his tracks as he saw Marcel. "Marcel, what may I ask are you doing here?" Nik asked with smug look on his face. 

"I came to see the little girl Rebekah and Freya had early today," he replied. "And may I ask why?" "Because she seemed so...precious," he replied back with mischievous smile. "She's sleep right now, and even if she wasn't you would never get to meet her," I said while closing the door. 

The sleeping part was a lie but that's besides the point. I walked back into the dining room, where I see Luna finishing up her food. I walked up to her and said "I think it's time for cake," she shook her head excitedly because she finally was able to eat cake.

 Rebekah came out with Luna's cake with four candles on it. We all started to sing happy birthday while Rebekah placed the cake in front of her. After we finished singing she blew out her candles "What you wished for darling?" "I can't tell you then it won't come true," she said with a sweet smile. Besides Marcel showing up I think this was one her best birthdays and there's plans more to come.

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