Without Regrets

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"Miss L/N! My brother, he's!.."

Those were the words that had turned your world upside down.

As you sit in the hospital wing of the Butterfly mansion, Senjuro passed out at your side, you wring your hands in your lap and recall the terrifying events of that day.

You'd been grading papers in the school house, lazily scribbling notes in the margins, when Senjuro had burst through the doors.

The second you caught sight of his tear streaked, panicked face, you knew something terrible had happened.

Your arms break out into goosebumps and you rub them slightly.

You never, not in a million years, could have predicted the magnitude of the situation.

Kyojuro- your Kyojuro- had come face to face with an upper-moon.

Though you didn't completely understand the in's and out's of the Demon Slayer Corps, you knew that this was an incredibly rare encounter for any Hashira.

For Kyojuro to not only meet an upper-moon, but severely injure it in a one-on-one battle...

Through bleary eyes, you gaze down the hall to see a boy wearing a checkered haori, sleeping with his arms crossed across his chest.

Tanjiro Kamado.

He and that strange boar-headed boy are the ones who helped Kyojuro survive the upper-moon.

Though Senjuro was far too hysterical to explain anything to you, young Kamado had filled in the details.

After the demon slayers defended a train filled with passengers, an upper-moon called Akaza appeared. He'd repeatedly encouraged Kyojuro to become a demon, but Kyojuro held true to his values and engaged in brutal combat. Once the battle had cooled down a bit, Kamado and Boar Head had been able to land blows on Akaza, and Kyojuro nearly cut the demon's head off. The demon ended up retreating before the sun rose.

You feel tears welling up in your already tired eyes as you recall what Miss Kocho had told you about Kyojuro's injuries.

Shattered ribs, a smashed eye, internal bleeding from repeated trauma...

A small whimper escapes your lips and you bow your head, squeezing your arms tightly.

Miss Kocho had explained that a new, advanced type of surgery had been necessary to give Kyojuro a fighting chance at survival, but even then... she was uncertain that he would pull through.

There's nothing you could have done to protect Kyojuro- nothing that could have prevented this God-awful tragedy.

So why do you feel this overwhelming sense of shame?

Because you love him, you idiot.

You clamp your hand over your mouth as you feel yourself finally beginning to break down into tears.

You've held it together for so long, for Senjuro's sake, but now that you're faced with the very real possibility of Kyojuro's death...

Tears begin to roll down your face and drip onto the hakama pants you've been wearing for the past two days.

Kyojuro had always told you about his dreams for the future.

You two would get married in a traditional ceremony... have plenty of excitable, flame-haired children... you two would grow old together, watching your children age and start families of their own...

At some point, these dreams felt so real that you could almost grasp them.

But now, the possibility of these dreams becoming reality seems to lay shattered on the ground.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 25, 2021 ⏰

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