chapter thirty four

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"The girl is fucked." Will mumbled in shock, toking on his spliff.

After last night at the pub, no one really got over what Effy had said. Will had invited Gwen round the next day, the two not spoken about what had happened previously.

"I don't understand... I thought she was better." Gwen faltered.

"Don't kick yourself, it's not your fault." Will shrugged as Gwen sighed.

The two were sat in his back garden, it was a sunny day. Will wore white, nike shorts with a blue football top, Gwen in a grey sundress and black shades. They were lounging on Will's patio sofa, smoking in celebration.

"How was it darling?" Jackie grinned, revealing herself through the glass slide door. Jackie had been out the night of results, Will refraining from telling her until he saw her in person.

"It was alright." Will chuckled.

"Shut up, Jackie wait till you hear what he got." Gwen smirked.

"Go on." Jackie clapped her hands.

"Three A stars." Will smiled, his teeth showing.

"Oh Wilfred! That's wonderful!" Jackie screamed in excitement, rushing to hug the boy.

Will chuckled once more. "Yeah." He nodded, giving her a tight squeeze.

"And Gwen honey, what about you?" Jackie questioned, taking a seat next to the girl.

"A star, A, B." Gwen shared. Jackie let out another shriek of joy as she embraced Gwen.

"Well done! My two little stars. Dinner on me, anything you'd like." Jackie offered as Gwen and Will thanked her. Jackie smiled before entering back into the house, leaving the two teenagers alone.

Will ashed his spliff before leaning back into the sofa, blowing out a cloud of smoke. "You know what this means then?"


"This summer has to be the best we've ever had." Will commanded.

"Okay." The girl giggled.

"Gwen I'm serious. No fucking about. This summer is our last so we have to make it count." Will nodded.

"Alright." Gwen smiled.

"And now you've passed your test, you owe me about ninety lifts." Will cackled. "So I expect you to be on your hands and knees for me."

Gwen gagged. "Alright perv."

"No! Not like that." Will cringed. "You know what I mean you idiot." Will began to laugh as Gwen chuckled at his comment.

"What are you and Katie doing about the whole university slash apprenticeship thing?" Gwen pouted.

"Well we haven't actually talked about that." Will admitted.

"What?" Gwen scoffed.

Will scratched his head. "I have tried bringing up before but every time I do Katie shuts it down. I think she's scared of the idea. I mean you saw what happened yesterday!"

"Sounds like Katie." Gwen smiled. "You just need to reassure the girl. All her previous boyfriends were dicks."

"I know. But we aren't all the same." Will sighed.

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