Part 9 : Something special for Arav

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Will you still love me
When I'm no longer young and beautiful?
Will you still love me
When I got nothing but my aching soul?
I know you will, I know you will
I know you will
– "Young and Beautiful" by Lana Del Rey

You nut case..

*K H U S H I*

"Kabir!!" I shouted banging the door for the 4th time.

This sleeping donkey!

"Open the door man! I swear if you'll not open it in the next minute, I'll march inside breaking through it" I shouted.

I heard some gruffing and bump, thud voices and finally the beautiful blue, long locked door, flew open. And stood an idiot, rubbing his upper arm with an irritated scowl on his face. Without letting him say any word I entered in.

"Idiot, I was knocking the door from past 5 minutes, what the hell were you doing?huhh?" I asked turning towards him.

He still had that scowl on his face and was soothing his arm.

Oops! Someone fell off the bed this morning. Hehe!

"You nut case, it's 5 in the morning, what am I suppose to do?huhh? Ofcourse I was sleeping" he shouted maintaining the same irritating tone.

And I bit my tongue realizing that he is right.

"Yeah whatever" I shrugged, not at all ready to agree that I was at fault.

This is what bestfriends are for. Right?

"But what bought you here? All well Jaan? Is something wrong?" He attacked me with his questions with a sudden change in emotion.

"Yupp, everything is perfect. I was just thinking.. that.. what if.. I mean.. I thought" I stuttered.

He would tease me to death.

So what? You don't have any option darling. Go for it. You can do it. Come on.

"Oh come on Jaan spill the beans, I am already very sleepy" he said while drinking water.

He'll spit it out.

"IwasthinkingtosurpriseAravwithhisfavouritebreakfast (I was thinking to surprise Arav with his favorite breakfast)" I said shutting my eyes and with a speed of bullet train.

As soon as he heard me, water sparkled out from his mouth.

Told ya

"Whatt?! Why?" he asked while wiping the water from his mouth, with back of his hand. And there returns the scowl.

How did he even understood what I said? Cons of being long lasting friends.

"Actually.. um.. maybe yesterday we went for a walk and.. maybe there some guys were.. um.. ogling me and um.. maybe he protected me from those guys and um..also apologized for his behavior. So I wanted to.. um.. just.. ya..thank him. I wanted to thank him. And I wanted you to.. help me with it." I explained crossing my fingers behind my back.

He heard me carefully. Looking blankly at me as if gulping down what I uttered. And then a dangerous smirk pulled up on his lips.

Here goes nothing

"Ohh so in short you both went on a date last night.." I rolled my eyes ".. and had a sweet romantic moment too. Ummm hmm" He teased wiggling his eyebrows.

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