"Well, my girlfriend told me that after I left she kinda went freaky like she FREAKED out." extenuating the word, 'frecked'.

"Well, tell me what did she do? Why did uh..." I try to find the word, "go freaky?"

"We sorta just kissed in front of her..."


"That is kinda freaky, that she would freak out? My advice is to just talk to her, make sure you know what's going on even if she might ignore you. Don't let her make sure you know what happened." She looked at me and nodded her head.

"Thank you Ganyu!!! You give the best advice!"

"Oh... thank you, I appreciate that." She walked away with a wide grin.

I thought for a second...


'maybe I should follow my own advice before giving it out' I sign out.

I turn back over-


What are the odds?

I turned my head once again and the one and only Katherine stood in front of me. Her breath was heavy and she placed her hands on her knees. Had she been running?

"Ninguang is out."


"We need a replacement now!"

"I-... wh-"

"please Miss Ganyu, no questions.." She huffed out then stood up and huffed some more.

"Where are we going?"


"For what?"

"Just... Just follow me..."

"Oh and Miss Ganyu.."

Mmm? I hummed.



We ran down the stairs and out of town past a walkway with twirly leaves that fell to the ground. Across there was a stadium. She tugged me inside into a door labeled "staff". From there we slid up to the very top of the stairs to a table with three chairs.

"Hello, I'm head of testing, nice to meet you."Said the man, who sat in the middle of the table. He stood up to greet me and I shook his hand.

Katherine let out a relieved huff and pointed from me to take a seat. She then explained,

"Ninguang in the middle of nowhere told us she could not come and judge. So she told us to come and get you and-"

"I'm sorry, you still haven't explained what this is?"

"Miss Ganyu, you know how we recruit people without visions to the adventurers guild?"

"Of course-"

"Well, to see if they are qualified we test them."

"I see, I see," I nodded my head. "I'm honored to be here."

"WEELLLCOOMMMEE EVVEERRYYONEEEE!" Said the head of testing showing.

The crowd went wild while the first person walked into the sandy platform. Even if we were high up the lights made it easy to see the participants. In front of me were a pen and paper to write down the results.

As each one of them gave their performances a jotted down each of their best aspects. Was there fighting adequately demonstrated? Did they have good form? Person per person I gave them a little note on their performance.

My paper was almost filled all the way through when the last person stepped in. I looked at those familiar eyes, that familiar fatigue. What was she doing-

"You are," said the man sitting by my side, the head of testing.

"It's, Y/n."

There was a tingly feeling down my thoughts when I heard her speak. Hands agent my cheeks as they warmed up. She then chose the and sward.

The conversation on the beach came back to me, the one on visions and her family. Every move she made seemed well thought out. It wasn't just my brain thinking that the other judges also looked surprised. She was so good for someone with no vision. Something I've never seen before. Ever.

She finished the quickest of all the other participants and struggled the least. The moment she stopped everything went silent for a second. I hadn't even been able to take note of anything.

My eyes were locked on her.


Every other participant walked back on the stage after the cleaning. The spotlight now turned on two seats away from me. Oh no, she's going to see me. My face was bright red and now everyone would see. My heart was beating like a madman. Oh no, she's going to see me.

The second spotlight then,


She stared at me.

I stared at her.

And gave the best smile I could.

AN: ok next chapter I promise they will interact more...

frozen love// Ganyu x fem reader (short story)Where stories live. Discover now