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The night was still at its peak. The word of your recent breaking into and theft from the library would definitely be getting out by now, and considering you're a wanted criminal, you'll be the talk of the town for awhile. You can only hope that the twins, Emira and Edric don't get pulled too far into it, and are able to talk their way out, as they always have been.

You were a well way into the the forest. Your satchel that held the stolen book about wild-magic healing bounced against your leg. Your staff rested on your shoulders, your hands dangling off either end of the wooden pole. Your head was tilted upward slightly, your cloak's hood rested off your shoulders as you shut your eyes humming a tune you'd heard in a bard's shop awhile ago.

You were proud of your successful night, you'd become desensitised to the idea of the being a wanted criminal, it came with a lot more freedom surprisingly.

You kicked up dirt from the long path you walked along to get home. You were worry free at the moment, letting the wind sweep through your hair, not opening your eyes for any sound.

Just as you began to relax more to your current state a crack was heard from the side of the dirt path. You flicked your head in the direction of the noise. Your eyes were met with trees, a forest to be exact. You narrowed your eyes as you stared, probably wild-life you assured yourself as you slowly turned your head back and continued your walk home. Not awhile had gone by until you head shuffling in the grass. You turned your head in the direction of the shuffling once again only to be met with long blades of grass blowing in a long meadow.

You huffed to yourself and slowly began your walk again, your gut feeling telling you to be wary and alert of your soundings. You heard a kick of dirt and rocks from behind you. You spun around pulling your staff into a defensive stance. You didn't like this one bit.

"Whoever is doing this, quit it!" you shouted into the wind. The only response you got was the quiet whistling of the breeze. "I swear to tita-" before you could finish your sentence a hard force was hit into your head. Your stumbled forward using your staff to stop you from falling. You whipped around quickly to be met with a armoured figure, not much taller then yourself, their armour shone gold and a white cloak wrapped around their body. A golden owl-like mask covered the figures face and his right hand he held a staff, that processed powers. You knew this person from anywhere.

The golden guard.

"The golden guard?" You rolled your eyes in a taunting manner. "Couldn't the coven sent me some real competition?" He stood silently, his fingers gripped his staff harder, you noticed this. "Must've hit a nerve." Immediately he swung his staff you, you stopped it with your own, pushing it away from you. You spun the end of your staff into his side, his armoured torso stopping the blow. How unfair, armoured versus un-armoured. He swept his staff under you feet which you dodged narrowly, using the opportunity of having to jump to strike down on the golden guard's head. Just before you plowed your staff into his head, he disappeared in particles of red, your staff going straight through the air and hitting the dirt below you.

You swung your head around glaring at the boy who just teleported away from your hit. "Now that's just not fair." You huffed.

Your swinging and fighting continued, continuous low blows of teleportation were being played on you, and it was only causing you to get more frustrated by the second. You swung hit after hit, the boy teleporting away after each swing of your staff.

He teleported away from your plow into his lower thigh, immediately he struck against your back, with power, causing your legs to give way and for you to fall forward onto your knees.

You began to stand up, even on hurt legs, and he registered this. He quickly knocked you with his staff, causing yours to go flying to the side out of your grip. You grabbed the end of his staff on your tumble over, slamming it to the ground in hopes of breaking it. He then threw himself down, hands grabbing your wrists. You struggled against his grasp, and quickly grew too tired to continue fighting.

You quickly realised the position the golden guard held you in. Your hands were above your head, wrists held down by his hands. You were on your back, him towering over you on his knees. From the way he tensed from your scanning gaze, he realised too. "Well," you said slyly, "I didn't know you were into pinning people down." He immediately tensed at that, and you took this opportunity to use your un-apprehended legs to swing him over. The two of you rolled, you were now on top, straddling his lap. He only tensed more as you smirked.

You didn't have much time to think before he gripped the staff you had previously tried to break and pointed it at your throat. The two of you realised quickly that the usually glowing crystal was now dull. "Looks like I actually did break it." You said lowly before he kicked up into you, knocking you off him onto your back, and and pinning the now broken staff down onto your throat. You didn't need to see his face to tell he was pissed beyond belief. "Sorry?" You awkwardly smiled as an offer. He only flipped you onto your stomach and pulled out a strand of rope, and tied your hands together behind your back.

"Really?" You huffed as he pulled you to your feet. He only looked at you in response. He turned and picked up your satchel, which had fallen off your shoulders in the midst of the fight, opening it immediately, you rolled your eyes. He pulled out the book, ignoring the other trinkets in your bag. He read the title and immediately looked at you. "What? It's for my studies." You mumbled, he wasn't even speaking and he was getting on your nerves, but that may just be from how tired you were because of how late it was. He pushed the book back into your satchel and swung it over his own shoulder. He picked your wooden staff up from off the ground and slotted it into its respectful place on a holder on your bag.

He quickly put his staff to your back. "Move." He pushed you forward with the end of the staff. You stumbled forward slight, "Ah! So he does speak!" You exclaimed snarkily, as you looked back at him with a smirk. He ignored your remark and pushed you on your way back to the town you had left recently. Looks like you were getting arrested.

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