Being Hot Does NOT Excuse Your Idiocy, You Fuck

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"It has, huh? Me and you don't hang out as much anymore, just the two of us. We should plan a sleepover sometime soon!" Shiemi suggested.

"That sounds like fun!" Rin agreed.

"There you are!" a man with glasses and messy brunette hair called to them. "So you two are the support we've been sent?" He looked them up and down skeptically and Rin frowned. She'd had enough of this 'females are weaker than makes' bullshit.

"Is there a problem?" She asked.

The man snapped his gaze back to her and cleared his throat, letting his expression fall carefully blank. "Ah, no, not at all." He answered. "I'm Middle-First Class Junior Exorcist, Kawanaka. We're very shorthanded, so thank you for coming!" He bowed.

"No problem. This is a coaltar infestation, right?" Rin recalled.

"Oh good, you read the file. Yes, and there are way more than we anticipated. There's also the King of the Colony roaming around. We haven't been able to spot him today, but if you do, don't try to take care of him in your own, just call me." Kawanaka told them. They nodded.

Rin and Shiemi looked up at the house. It looked like termites had already had their run through it and the coaltars just infested after.

"There's not really anything left to save. Are we sure this building is stable to walk around in? It looks like it'll collapse any minute...." Rin noticed.

"Eh, we've been walking around in it all day. It creaks a lot, but nothing has collapsed, so it should be okay. And we're not allowed to damage it anyway, the client Ives old houses." He dismissed. He led them over to another exorcist who looked to be a dragoon if the Rifle slung across his back was any indication. He gave Shiemi a prayer and attached a canister of Holy Water, helping her strap it on carefully. Rin watched just in case he tried to grope her. She was pretty sure her intense glare was enough to keep him from trying anything, because he seemed like he really wanted to. Ugh, men.

The Dragoon went to strap one on Rin too, but she declined. "I've got my own firepower if I need it and that stuff hurts me." He had the decency to look embarrassed at his forgetting that Rin was the daughter of Satan, the most known figure in the Order for the last year.

"Um, not to be rude, but-" Kawanaka started nervously.

"Yes, I have fine control over the flames. In case you've missed the last year, I spread my flames across an entire mountain without burning a single living thing that wasn't the Impure King. And I've been training this entire year too. I can handle some coaltars in a decaying building. I'll just carry a spare canister for her pack instead." She cut him off. The dragoon handed her said canister.

Kawanaka nodded awkwardly and led them to the section of the house they'd be clearing out. "And remember, don't try to fight Lord Koks on your own, okay? Call me."

The two girls nodded and Kawanaka left them to their own devices. They spent half an hour burning up coaltars flooding the house with the holy water spray. Rin kept a thin layer of flames around her to repel the burn of the holy water. She still got wet, but the flames tainted the water, so it didn't hurt her.

Then, things went a bit sideways. Rin must have stepped on a particularly weak spot and the floor fell from beneath her. She caught the edge of the ragged hole and held on, but the floor was too weak to hold her and the part under Shiemi fell too. They ended up laying in a very uncomfortable and prickly pile of wood shards on the next floor down.

"Ah geez." Rin grumbled. "Shiemi! Are you okay!"

"Yes, I'm fine! What about you?" Shiemi called back.

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