Chapter 19 - Willow

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I'm sorry? I aggressively turned over the piece of paper, desperate for just one more word, one little word that hinted on where to find him or if he was coming back. But there was nothing. That couldn't be it.

I pulled out my phone, tears still streaming down my already-damp cheeks and dialled Coco's number as fast as my fingers would carry me.

It rang once.


Three times.

"Bri?" I heard Coco's voice ring through the phone drowsily. "Are you okay?"

"Is Ruel there?" I said seriously, sucking in my sobs.

"I don't think so, why? Isn't he supposed to be with you?" she questioned, concern rising in her voice.

"Ruel, he's..." I choked, tears starting again. "He's gone."

"What do you mean gone?" she said, louder this time, as if her drowsiness had left her.

"He left, in the middle of the night. I don't know where he went, he blocked me so I can't call him and he left a note saying 'I'm sorry' and nothing else on the coffee table," I rambled, still sobbing. "I'm so sorry Coco, this is all my fault."

"Hold on, hold on. This isn't your fault. Please don't blame yourself. If he blocked you, he obviously knew he was going to be leaving. I'll try him, can I call you back in a minute?"

"Yeah sure."

I pulled my phone from my ear as the hang up tone sounded. I didn't have much hope that she would reach Ruel, he seemingly didn't want to be found.

As soon as Coco called me back, I picked up.

"He blocked me too," she sighed into the phone.

"Great," I sighed in response. I was starting to lose hope. We couldn't call the police for 24 hours at least, and even if we did there wouldn't be much they could do. Ruel was a legal adult and he willingly left, so even if they did find him, they couldn't force him to come back. "Do you have any idea of where he might've gone?"

"I don't really know, he always kept his special places a secret. But there is one place he could be. I'll be at yours in 10, and I'll drive you there."

And so I waited, the painful 10 minutes. I could only hope he hadn't left wherever this was yet. I looked a mess, my hair was everywhere, I was still in my work clothes from yesterday and my face was undoubtedly stained with dry mascara and tears. But I really did not care about that. I had to find Ruel.

I was at the pick up area at my apartment so as soon as Coco got there we could leave. I couldn't leave a second too late, or he might've been gone.

So when I saw her car pull up, I ran over and practically jumped in the passenger side. Coco looked just as tired and as worried as I was. I didn't even think about the fact she would've been worried sick too. This was her brother. She'd known him his entire life.

"It's a little bit of a drive there, is that okay?" she asked as I clinked on my seatbelt.

"Yeah that's fine," I said honestly. "I'm sorry to wake you at this hour."

"No no it's completely okay. I know you wouldn't do this unless it was something important."

We drove in silence the rest of the way. The streets were bare and dark, as expected for a drive at 2 in the morning. But it was eerie to see the usually bustling streets empty. It made me sick to think of Ruel driving down these roads alone in the middle of the night.

We had driven for around 40 or so minutes when she stopped the car outside of a meadow. It was an absolutely beautiful sight. The meadow was filled with flowers of many different colours, which I could only just see glinting in the dim light of the moon. And in the centre of the meadow, looking extremely out of place, was a single willow tree. It was strange that it had grown in the middle of a meadow, especially all on its own. I was glad it had though, because it was nothing short of magnificent. It was huge, its branches stretching high towards the many stars in the night sky. It had to be at least an 80 year old tree. I admired the way it's droopy leaves reflected the moonlight so perfectly they appeared a beautiful silver colour. I could only imagine how beautiful it would on a sunny morning, or a rainy day. No wonder Ruel liked to come here.

I didn't spend too long admiring though, I was here to find Ruel. I jumped out of the car, not bothering to wait for Coco and began to sprint towards the tree. Coco didn't tell me, but somehow I just knew if Ruel were here, he'd be under that tree. I could picture the wonders of his golden skin, tickled by the gleam of the moon, and the petals of the flowers contouring his figure. But when I reached the tree, there was nothing. I searched every inch of the area under the tree. Even in it. But still nothing. I collapsed against the tree, frustrated tears burning down my face. I buried my face in my palms, letting myself break down. I was so mad at myself. How hadn't I pieced this together earlier? He wouldn't have just kissed me out of the blue. There had to be a reason. All the breaking down, all the times I held him and he didn't protest, all the apologies, he always knew he would run away. And now I knew he wasn't planning to come back. 

I brought my hands from my face and tipped my head back onto the bark of the tree. I felt my fingers brush something on the ground. It felt like...paper? I grasped it with my finger tips and brought it to where I could see it. Another note. He knew I was coming. I desperately scanned the paper, as I did with the previous note. My tears splattered the ink of his pen, making it hard to read. But written in small, curvy letters, similar to the other letter were the words:

You were my favourite.

You were my favourite what? What does that mean? I wished so dearly Ruel was next to me, so he could explain what it meant, and I could admire the way he explained things in a way that made total sense to me, and the gentle rasp in his voice that made it musical to listen to. I wished he would come back so I could hug him and breathe in his scent. I wished I could dance with his lips again, to feel them move so softly and musically against mine. I just wished he were here, next to me, more than anything in the world.

"I don't know what you mean, but you were my favourite too Ruel," I whispered, holding the note close to my heart, hoping somehow, someway, he would hear me.




Quote of the day

Tis better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all.

- unknown

Word Count: 1237

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