The parents settled on the couch and all the boys went out to do some late night fishing so I just went upstairs. I fell back onto my bed and just stared at the ceiling. What a great start to the vacation. Deciding not to do anything, I just stayed and laid on my back until it was time to get ready for bed.

That night I had a vivid dream. I was at a house party but there were no faces, just people bouncing around. In the background there was a kid standing on a table, rapping over what I recognised as a Linkin Park track. I started walking over toward the table with drinks and there was a guy and a girl making out. Her leaning back on the counter and him leaning over her. They looked like they were eating each other's face off. He disconnected his face from hers and looked at me. Slowly his features started appearing and he looked so familiar. In fact he looked just like-

"Rory. Rory. Rory!" I heard a voice exclaim from above me.

"What. What. Oh my god what do you want!" I grumbled from position as the figure above started shaking me. I fully opened my eyes and was met with the brown eyes of my younger brother. He was leaning over my face. Well he was before I pushed him away.

"Mom, Joel, and his parents all went to get the boat." He said walking out of my room. I scrambled out of bed and grabbed my glasses. When I got out of my room I heard the pounding of rain on the deck and roof. The house had a view of the water so I sat on the couch and watched the rain fall. I threw my hair up in one of those weird makeshift buns and just relaxed. It was still early so while listening to the rain I felt myself start to nod off. I had almost fallen asleep when-

"Dude, it's fucking raining." I heard Joonas stomp up the stairs. At that, I threw my head back onto the couch and groaned. It was too early.

"Porko have you never seen rain before?" I heard Olli groan coming up the stairs. Their voices were still muffled from the closed basement door but, soon enough it opened and their voices became clear and very very loud.

"Can you guys shut the fuck up? It was so peaceful." I was not going to deal with them interrupting the peace of the rain. The three of them, Tommi was with just very silent, looked for where I was and eventually saw me on the couch. Joonas opened his mouth to speak but then at that moment Reino came running down the stairs.

Of course he is also loud. I just wanted to sit in silence and watch the sky. Never mind that, I just got up and grabbed the tea kettle. If I couldn't have peace and quiet I was going to have chai tea. I was filling up the kettle when I realised, Joel wasn't an only child. I just realised his siblings haven't been here.

"Guys, where are Joel's brothers?" I asked the boys. Joonas started looking around frantically.

"They're at some camp in Sweden. I don't know, apparently they do that every other summer. Go up to Sweden with some family members but Joel didn't want to go this year." Olli said cautiously. He was afraid I would tell him to 'shut the fuck up' again.

"Oh," I said turning the stove on, "Why Sweden?" Olli just shrugged his shoulders and opened the pantry door. I went back to the stove and just listened to the small chatter. After waiting for a minute I grabbed a pan and an egg. Cracking the egg open in a bowl, I grabbed the milk and splashed some into the bowl. Then, using a fork, I beat the egg until it was a light yellow. I poured it into the pan on the stove and just let it cook for a second.

"Rory, can you make me one?" Called out a high pitched voice belonging to Reino.

"Yeah Rory, can you make me one too?" another one called out. This one belonging to Joonas.

"Ooh me three please." Olli said closing the pantry door.

"I'll have an egg too. But I can actually cook my own." Tommi said grabbing the carton of eggs out of the fridge.

"Hey I can cook. You know that. I just don't want to." Joonas argued back.

"Great even better. You don't want to cook so you're asking me to cook?" I said taking a spatula and stirring my scrambled egg.

"Yup." He said grabbing the tv remote and plopping down on the couch.

"I heard talk about eggs. Nora can I have one?" The front door opened and Joel walked in. His white shirt was all soaked through from being in the rain and was practically see through.

"Oh my god fuck off. How did you even hear us through the door?" I said throwing a dish towel at him that he promptly took and started wiping his face with. 

"I don't know I just did." He said throwing the towel back at me. It hit my shoulder and I pinched it between the tips of my pointer and middle finger to place it on the countertop.

"We got the boat you shitheads." Joel's dad walked in the house and dropped the keys into the key bowl. My mom followed him, smiling and lifting the sunglasses off of her face.

"Ooh Nora are you making eggs? Can I have one?" Joel's dad asked, walking over to the kitchen.

"Get in line." I said nodding towards the other people who asked for an egg. Joonas started waving his hand and smiling towards him.

Out of the corner of my eye I watched Tommi prepare to cook the eggs. He was so gentle with the shells, making sure he didn't get any shell in the bowl. He caught me looking at him and gently smiled before returning to his work.

"Alright boys, your eggs." I said placing all 5 plates in front of me. I had mine off to the side. We all took a seat at the big table.

"So Rory, how's your arm?" Joel asked me shovelling his egg like a three year old.

"I mean it hurts but it's fine. I just can't really use it for a whole lot of things." I shrugged and took a small bite of my eggs.

"You know what would make you feel better?" Joel's dad asked me. He had a mysterious smile on his face that I knew meant he had something on his mind.

"Uh I don't know." I responded eyeing him cautiously.


hey besties 🙄🙄

sorry i've been inactive as FUCK but i've been swamped with school stuff yk yk

anyways love you guys xx

have a great day

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